Mirai's feed

Mirai created a topic of The beginning after the end

Is Arthur's and Tessa's relationship weird only to me? Like sure, they are the same age physically but mentally certainly not. So we basically have a middle aged man in some yet to be relationship with a 13 (now 16?) year old.

Mind you, this is not one of the cases where the mc only remembers some tiny bits of his previous life. He knows *exactly* who he was and how we lived. Dude, even the moment she kissed him he was like "am I a criminal now?".

Not to mention, Arthur's behavior is super hypocritical bc with the daughter of the family that helped his (I forgot their name lmao ) he was like "she's mistaking gratitude for love bc I saved her" except he literally saved Tessia too and multiple times at that

I'm really trying to ignore it but it's bugging me so much every time I see them, especially with the authors inconsistency in Arthur's age as in, one second he acts like a cold-blooded old man he was and the other UwU kid.
That's not how people work