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Mirai January 17, 2025 11:42 am

Oh wow this sucks I was always on team Erez but c'mon don't do Joseph dirty like that

Mirai December 10, 2024 3:18 pm

Idk why but Magnus behavior puts me off don't get me wrong, we love ourselves a nice guy BUT HE DID A 180
and like I understand it's bc he changed his views but doesn't it take more time to change your habits???

Mirai's questions ( All 1 )

Mirai February 12, 2024 2:03 pm

I'm not sure if I recall all details correctly, as I read it years ago but basically it was shounen ai, settled somewhere in like heaven? One guy was a god of love or someone like that, I think because of that he couldn't be in love? He would always sit on a tree or somewhere close to trees. At one point there was a kiss scene with sakura petals. Later on, they decided to get reincarnated (I think bc they couldn't be together since one of them was a god but idk) as humans, but the not-sure-what-he-was one messed up somehow and forgot about the not-god-anymore. The god was looking for the other one and later on I think reminded him about their past?

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