Some people are complaining after they misunderstand something or why they don't speak up. They were verbally and physically abused, not to mention from where they used to live it looked pretty isolated with the forest around it. Abuse changes the mindset of a person. While yes they are mentally 20+ the brains response to that is understandable. They had nothing but each other for years so yes they rely on each other. As well as they seem scared/ paranoid of the emperor. It seems as though people believe that the abuse they faced can't affect them?? After thier mother dies they are suddenly through into a new life with a completely different setting and feel. Their old house seemed isolated and rather cold in mood. Now they are connected to literally the entire kingdom and everything is warm. Of course they aren't going to adjust quickly. That's like putting a cactus in Antarctica. Some people are like well they could've just left, no they couldn't. Thier mother seemed to have eyes everywhere (being paranoid of your abusers whereabouts isn't a stretch) and they were 5. They couldn't do much and with little knowledge of the kingdome it seems like they would've died from starvation in weeks if they could find a water source. This is of they managed to get out of the forest along with the wild animals. Remember how they want ishina (?) As their maid? Its because she's honest and gives them the truth not clinging to them or sugar coating everything like everyone else. They are royalty and even if they are illegitimate everyone is an enemy (especially the duke) so please keep that in mind instead of being like "WeLl I wOuLD hAvE LefT bEcAuSe I DoN't LiKe Abuse" that's barely scratching the surface of how abuse effects the brain. Seriously it is easier to tear the brain down than build it up. Any happiness they had from thier previous life would have disappeared with how thier mindset changed after the abuse and the change in setting.
For those wondering why even though she's reincarnated but still acts like a child. I'm guessing because she wants to do things and act more child like than she could in her past life. Remember she lost her parents early and was abused by her extended family from then on. So its not that hard to believe that she actually wants to enjoy her time as a kid for now while she has the chance, also brain development, even though she's reincarnated she isn't going to be Einstein in 1 day because bodies don't develop like that, I'm not saying the stories that do this are bad. I read alot of those stories but its good to see a main character actually enjoying thier time as a kid rather than acting like a mini genuis adult when thier barely crawling and never actually having fun as a kid before its too late to enjoy yourself as a kid. Again I'm not saying this is bad because the comic has an original idea where instead of being a genuis young she has ptsd from her past life and this is a chance to have a better life where people love and care for her while she has friends which she didn't in her past life, also points added to being how much I like it because she randomly reincarnated rather than into a novel. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
Did.. did he murder just an innocent baby??? WTF
No he stated the baby already died
No the baby had died from a natural cause. Some kind of illness .they simply provided the already dead body as the evidence for the witch