I need someone to send me the link to the novel...
I think that in a way, even if she finds it hard to feel or recognize love, Haesol kinds of "love" Yeonwoo in her own way. Like he hold a special space in her heart. She has a hatd time recognizing or understanding emotion, even if she feels them, and indifference is her way to express herself.
So, in my theory, she does kinda "love" him, but she needs to work on herself, if possible with a professional help to try and heal herself, and not fix, bc she is a human. When a glass is broken, you can glue it back but it will never be the same as before. Haesol needs to try and heal, and to go foward, and to let Yeonwoo know some of it, not saying she has to tell him EVERYTHING, its her call in the end, but just a bit for him to understand.
Internal scream. The face he made. Even louder internal scream.(⊙…⊙ )
Okay, now, I either need raws ( if anyone can help pls....) or some oblivion water so i can forget this chapter until the next one is out.
Me : praying for dobin's ass.
Also me : Get em' Tae-ho, get em' !!!
Another me : I don't even know how I'm able to live with myself, hahahaლ(´ڡ`ლ)
Bro, the nerve to complain on an illegal website.... She said like 10000000 times that she is just sharing it here, for the ppl who want to read this. You want to go talking shit bc its not translated in the most pitch perfect english ? Go buy the officials. Its readable at least, you just need to use your two last brain cell to understand what is going on. You wanna complain ? Go do the translation by yourself. Like my folks always says, don't complain if you can't/won't do it.
Okay I came just afrer reading first chapter and needed to shout this out. YOU ************ OF A COUSIN. Phew. This felt good. But seriously, idk what going on or why he's doing that to his cousin, but I needed to say that. Who on esrth with some sense in their mind does that to family ???
I think imma drop this. This is how bad it as frustrated me in only 15 chapters.
1. Family is trash. Mom mistreated dautgher, taking her life for granted and emotionnaly manipulating her.
2. Sister looks entitled bc of education given by mom. Where is the father ? Does he have not mind of id own ? Nvm.
3. Red hair dude is an ass. This explanation is enough.
4. Boi her trauma and everything that happened is just gonna piss me off even more.
Thats it. The art is good, the story looks original, but, idk, just not my cup of tea woth how things started and were presented.
Okay so this was just trauma for uke. Usually, when I read smth smutty, I kinda get this tingly feeling. I. Felt. Nothing. So why am I still there, waiting for development....? CUZ THE STORY STILL LOOKS GOOD. AND THE AUTHOR IS GOOD TOO. I'm tired of myself, lol.( ̄∇ ̄")
I know a lot of you will think smth is wrong with me but.... The way they act and all, I can't help but want them to end up togheter !! I mean, look at them... I think if it happens, it will take some time, but, idk, I wouldn't mind~~~
Can someone send me a msg when this is finished ? I can't anymore
This was as beautiful as traumatizing. I do recommend this, but be ready and prepared for all of the unhealthy stuff that is going to be said, of all of the emotional damage that is going to take place. I started this when I was 11 thinking the story looked fun. 20 yrs old me have discovered a whole new level of messed up while started over from another perspective. Good luck if you are going to read it. Get a good therapy session if you already read it. Get a psychatrist if you are going to reread it ╥﹏╥
Thks for the hard work, uploader. Personnaly, I'll go with any. Weekly or monthly, both work for me
She seems really weak willed and weak in general.... I really hope she doesn't end up being annoying, like those annoying girl that are helpless and don't try to find another way to get what they want, or do what they want. Really, just the situation is annoying, like, bro, its your own DAUGHTER and you don't hesitate to f*ing sell her just for power ? What era do tou think you are in for real ? And girl, you are a big girl, if you work ahrd enough, I'm shure you can make it, or if you ask help from your dad, find a way to not have hil take complete advantage of you like you're a toy, find a way to either make a compromise or smth else. I know I'm just ranting, and some ppl might hate my comment and say "you are not her, her life is not easy.... etc..." I know. The situation is just really frustrating for me. Sometimes, you gotta fight for what you want, if you really want it. Life sucks, it is what it is. And I hope she does not end up relying on others to do the work for her.
First thing I told myself when I started this... wtf is up with those lips ??? For real, I almost choked myself