Y'all wanna pick apart what taku be saying but skip shit like this ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Idk to me there comes a point where you can't excuse someone's actions on past trauma or bad parenting. Like you can understand why someone does something but know you deserve to be treated better. This goes for all characters in the story.
I want to point out tho that Haesoo is actively seeking change the moment he decided to end things with Joowon. Which ppl seem to forget he did already quite clearly. Haesoo isn't 100% a changed man obviously but he's taking small steps to do so and I can have an easier time with his character because he has things he doesn't like about himself and his life and he's actively trying to change it. Be it the right way or not he's trying something different than the same thing he and joowon always did. I can respect that. What I can't respect is doing the same thing and expecting different results. That's the definition of insanity (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

He killed the cat... that's crossing the line (⊙…⊙ )

Yeah, I wasn't just really talking about you, I replied to your comment saying that not just to call you out but to call out everyone else who was kinda saying the same thing but in a more serious way, I guess. I apologize for being rude, I just thought it was really hypocrite of some people to say stuff like that.

I think people fail to realize that rui has never really asked for help before. She's asked for advice but always did things for herself. This chapter was about her learning that it's ok for someone to help you once in a while. Everyone at some point needs help ain't no shame in that. People also forget that she just got out of high school and is experiencing the real world for the first time and is definitely going to make mistakes like any other young adult would.

Yep. Plus she’s a young girl, away from home for the first time, getting bullied by a racist sexist and possibly dangerous (thinking of raping her wtf) man. Hina got loads of help throughout the whole story and she’s a older woman. I think we can excuse the young girl away from home for her 1st time in a new environment (again with a dangerous bully)
People forget between the 3 Rui is the youngest and most inexperienced (in every way).

It really bothers me when people say that Haesoo is cheating on joowon when he's not in a relationship with him. Or shitting on haesoo for hiding his relationship with taku. In the q&a the author said that Haesoo was always open about his relationships to joowon and joowon who also dates a lot (ppl act like he reserved himself for haesoo when he didn't) keeps it to himself. so haesoo is doing what joowon had done this whole time which is Hide his relationship from the other.
It bothers me cuz it's like people are twisting the story for their own view on a character..
I came back to extra extra bullshit
Easy: don't come back
Na it doesn't bother me at all. I find it entertaining that ppl get this deep in the sauce.
I will never understand why you are protecting someone as B. And attacking someone who was a real victim.
I'm not with that victim shit. If she was a real victim she wouldn't keep looking for shit after the "perpetrator " stopped her shit. Sounds like she just wants attention
B who was nearly silent for a long time suddenly got death threats? Sorry it looks unbelievable.
Lmfao everyone would have a grudge after what B did to MANY users.... Deepikan has a right to despise them.
Death threats are disgusting and she should report these people instead of playing a VICTIM in public ofc. First class abuser plays a victim now.
Even translator on IG deleted her massages because she started offending other users. If it's ok for you... And you're protecting such person.... Then I can't help you.
Once again if she indeed get death threats... it's disgusting behaviour and should be reported.
I never asked for your help. I'm just fine. I just don't like attention seeking behavior. An adult woman kept complaining about someone who stopped the behavior that was bothering her. It's like someone who was being bullied following the bully and egging the bully on when they aren't getting bullied anymore. I'm not saying what "B" did was right but in no way the other person right either she's just looking for more arguing to occur.
I'm done talking about this situation now. It's literally the next day. I'm over it.