Is it just me or was Seju really nervous that she kept checking her heartbeat & breath like someone has said and couldn't even look straight into Won's eyes after Won came up to her bed. It's kinda awkward that Seju just looked down, at Won's shoulder level. She's too cute, just like a young high school girl falling in love for the first time lol.

i suddenly feel so bad for Won. The drowning itself possibly was just partly a joke, Seju might also try to wash her pain away and she used a joke as an excuse to reassure Won, but she should've woke up sooner instead of just lying there pretending she was dead until Won panically wanted to call ambulance. Her tears really convinced me that she had experienced the same situation before and might have lost her girlfriend or important one.
But the thing is, Won was too soft and caring that she never complains Seju about anything, though Seju treated her coldly at the start, ex: left the dinner first, shut her out in a cold room when the heater was down. But Won never blamed anything on Seju, instead she tried to find what was wrong in herself, she secretly observed everything and cared for the well being of her boss. From the first chapter, from the rope to Seju's obvious gloominess so Won came to offered some food to cheer her up, the meal that Seju barely ate yet she said she ate well, the sleeping pills, the piercing to release stress, and now the drowning. If the same situation did happen in Won's past and now Seju joked at her that way, I must say Seju was too damn lucky to meet such an angel because isn't it too kind of her to not put the anger even a bit on Seju but just care for Seju's case instead? So she purely asked if Seju wanted someone to accompany with her to sleep. I feel bad for Won because Seju keeps joking around with her, but I also feel bad for Seju and I like this caring side too much because for the entire life, Seju had never been treated nicely and cared by anyone this much. I guess I can feel relieved now as Queen finally meets her Knight T__T
Since they both ran away from Seoul to Jeju island and Seju was curious about Won's reason, I do hope she will accept so that they can have a night talk, maybe if Seju tells her reason first then we can know Won's as well.

Did anyone notice Seju only checked out Won's left ear while she already pierced 1 on each (right ear when first time piercing and both in last panel). Is Seju purposely teasing Won once again?
I think sth must have happened after that, causing Won to feel "afraid of piercing" again so when Seju asked Won to let her know if she wanted to pierce another one, Won immediately replied that was enough, which is also why Seju smiled at her, might be thinking "a giant bear yet too faint hearted" lolll

I love how people started calling Dowon a bear after this one chapter at the beginning of One :')
Maybe something actually happened that we didn't get to see, or she could also be smiling cause she started to warm up to Won a bit and seeing this kind of reaction from someone who looks a bit cold at the first glance is quite funny.
To be honest I didn't really expect Won to be this adorable when we saw her at the first time in the last chapter of wdtfs main story, but I'm actually really happy that she's not as cold and elusive as her appearance makes her to be

Same, it was like almost everyone think she’s an idfc type, indifferent, cold, badass…but turns out she’s just a puppy hahaha. It’s also funny to me when the only and first time Seju truly wants to get laid with someone else besides Sumin and here we have Won, being too oblivious and just silly asked if she would like to sleep straight away or to drink a glass of water. If I was Seju, I must have questioned my sexiness that time hahaha. But I like it this way, slowburn and Won is definitely different than others who only want to take advantage of Seju.

I'm so curious if Won had been in love with someone before, she looks so pure and innocent that makes me feel like Seju would be her first in everything. I think the reason why she ran away from mainland has nothing to do with love. Her poker face is hard to read as well, do you think she already has some feelings for Seju? I suddenly have a feeling that Seju will be the one to fall first lol.

To be honest I kind of hope that Seju won't be the first person Won could have feelings for, cause we've already had a similar situation in case of Sungji, when Sumin was her first love and it would be nice to see how two people, who already went through some sort of relationships, can be happy together all over again. Tho this is just me personal preference, cause I'm not the biggest fan of this experienced-completely inexperienced/pure kind of couple in yuri, there's just so much of it out there
And just because Won looks pure, doesn't necessary mean she was never with anyone before :p I doubt that she has feelings for Seju so quickly, after all there are only three chapters out and it looks like it may be a slow-burn

She does give off the vibe of someone who has a dark past of her own and is in the midst of trying to recover from her trauma, something she shares in common with Seju. If I have to take a wild guess of her backstory, she was a top star in the swimming world before she sustained an injury or caused a scandal that ended her career (being caught having a lesbian relationship), hence why she ran away and isolate herself in a deserted villa.
Won does seem to be interested in Seju, perhaps sensing that they are more alike. But I reckoned she won't act on her feelings, fearing she would end up hurting her like she may have done with her previous partner. Seju seems more likely to fall pretty hard for Won, but she would probably remain in denial.
I think they might need a third character in order to help the two realize their feelings for one another. Dammt. Where's Nammi when you need her lol?

I also think that Seju will be Won’s first, sexually speaking. My guess about her past is that she had a girlfriend when she was young and they were caught in their romantic relationship so she was forced to leave. Or maybe her gf died young so she moved out to start over again.....i don’t know, but it’s good to see their relationship evolving and reading everyone’s speculations !

MY GOD these 2 are so cute!! The way the insisted on their titles!!! Shipped!!!
Seju: caretaker
Won: yes madam
Seju: what did you call?
Won: you're villa owner so...
Seju: except that title
Won: My name is Do Won
Seju: ok caretaker ssi
Won: last name is Do, first...
Seju: is this my room?
Won: yes...
Won: tangerines?
Seju: no
Won: ....chocolate?
Seju: no
Won: oh....then...
Seju: i dont eat snacks
*sad* *leave* *go back*
Won: sweet potatoes?
Seju: ....leave it there
Won: first time Madam eats with..
Seju: haven't you decided on another title?
Won: oh....it's funny?
Seju: not funny
Won: oh...then how..
Seju: president
Won: president...ok president
Seju: caretaker ssi
Won: you can call me Won
Seju: caretaker
Won: yes......
The new chapter about Sungji and Sumin is cute. I accidentally smiled while reading it but then Seju popped up in my mind ... come to think about the previous story of Seju and Won. I didn't see a moment of this couple to be this sweet. The author just ended her story right at the moment Seju's happiness began- To read it like this....just,...It's really not fair. They showed us every details of Sumin Sungji's happy life, torturing Seju for 100+ chapters and only showed a bit of Seju's real happiness...Anyway thanks Team Brink for your translation.
I wish to see more of seju and won together as well...but all we can do now is assume that they are living a happy life together if not a happier one than the current storyline. The new arc of sumin and sungji might entail some new drama, and I’m speculating it could be for the better with more character development of sungji OR there could be more drama that will end in them breaking up