Sorry! Fashion history nerd here and I just needed to talk about historical corsets for a second.
Well made and fitted corsets are actually super comfortable and will not make anyone faint or permanently change their bodies. The only harm that could come from a corset is if it is tight-laced and that was only done by the highest of nobility, tight-lacing from a young age could cause loss of appetite and damage to the ribcage very few women actually tight-laced though.
Working class/commoner women also wore corsets to show they were proper and well put together and many of them preformed manual labor while wearing them suffering no adverse effects. They were easy to move in and contrary to popular belief were not held up entirely by steel bones.
Also, rather than putting the weight on the shoulders to support the bust corsets distribute the weight evenly across the back and torso which makes it a good option for woman with bigger chests.
TLDR Corsets wont hurt you unless you lace them too tight and are actually super comfortable when they are well made.
welp. now im traumatized AND depressed