And yeah, she's maybe a 100% straight. Does it make her a bad character ? No, because her main purpose in the story is showing how she overcomes her beliefs to support her best friend. Usually in wlw stories, the best friend turns out to be homophobic because she's a repressed gay. Here, the best friend turns out to be homophobic because that's how her environment is, that's how she's always learned how to be. And the boss crushing on a straight girl after saying she's not into them shows how love is unpredictable. Sometimes you crush on people you wish you never would have.
And if, in the end, Chanmi ends up together with the boss, good for them. It'll mean Chanmi is bi and being bi doesn't mean 50% into girls and 50% into boys, it could also mean being 10% into boys and 90% into girls or even 1% into girls and 99% into boys.
So yeah, Chanmi is a great character.
2020-10-22 01:52 marked
People are too hard with Chanmi. Chanmi is a great character, she went agai...