masticatious November 18, 2020 8:09 pm

I wouldn't nitpick about it so much if we at least heard their names or saw one of them before they all of a sudden just appeared to have been beamed into existence CuZ PlOt. WTF?! did kyoya totally forget about suspecting her for nakajima disappearance before? I mean he almost totally forgot about nanao when that closed eyed chick brought it up before too

    shampoofaeryyy November 19, 2020 12:33 am

    i think that's kyoya's weakness. he forgets some of his memories whenever he's using his powers.

    shampoofaeryyy November 19, 2020 12:37 am

    but lmao yes. some of these characters be popping out of nowhere like who tf are you?

masticatious November 15, 2020 4:56 pm

it's stupid. I want them both to get that good ending after everything they've suffered through. in the meantime it looks like things are leading up to nana and kouya teaming up for real to confront nanao. HYPE!! I was waiting for the moment she would come forward about everything

    ryuutodabi December 3, 2020 3:16 pm

    yes!! I actually love how the manga subverts our expectations by having nana be our mc and I just came to adore her characters complexities sm, honestly so excited to see more chapters!!

masticatious November 12, 2020 11:09 am

he's like sooo devoted to her and that's it for his character. I find those kind of dynamics get uninteresting and with medea remaining more or less indifferent towards his affections idk.. I'm waiting to see what this fiery red head brings to the table..

(≧∀≦) kekeke I'm a simple woman

    Lari November 12, 2020 12:06 pm

    I respect your opinion regarding this matter but Lord Heli didn't stay by Lady Medeia's side just bcuz of devotion, it's been pointed out several times in the story that he loves her but Lady Medeia doesn't know the ways of love even if her Nanny was beside her as result of abuse from his parents and the way the general public sees her. Maybe all she ever sees from Lord Heli is a reliable and trustworthy comrade but you can still see that she cares for him with no ill intent (by ill intent I meant that she is not treating him as a mere pawn for her plans not bcuz he's useful but bcuz he's been by her side since way longer in the past)

    If anything I'd prefer Lord Heli over the Crown Prince. Two Psychopaths (Crown Prince and Lady Medeia) ending up together just do not sit right with me, they're better off as enemies as they have strategies and tactics that a ruler should have, a battle for crown and ruling.

    As for the cardinal. Well, his role hasn't really been solidified yet. It's either he helps either the Crown Prince or the Lady or he just ends up as a mediator in the story. Let's wait and see how his character improved.

    masticatious November 12, 2020 1:45 pm
    I respect your opinion regarding this matter but Lord Heli didn't stay by Lady Medeia's side just bcuz of devotion, it's been pointed out several times in the story that he loves her but Lady Medeia doesn't kno... Lari

    I think you misunderstood me, love can be considered a sort of devotion too? but that's not what I was stressing about. it doesnt do much for his character to be entirely defined by his relationship to her and thats what I have an issue with. I prefer is when characters have other motivations and agency outside of their romances or relationships status's to people, other events going on in their lives and differing opinions. same applies to female leads, it annoys me when FL forfeit any previous ambition/goal after meeting their destined ML and become these sort of one Note characters who's entire world revolves around now emotionally supporting the guy of her dreams.

    I dont think you can say Medea's entirely naive in the ways of love when Hali didn't attempt to convey those emotions with his own words, he sort of cockblocked himself by telling her it was loyalty or familiarity that he goes so far (making up excuses) that, and his presence has remained a constant since she was younger which makes it harder for her perceptions of him to change so drastically just from one simple revelation.

    lifelong friends getting together happens. sure, but then again more often it doesnt and ends there. shes known him all her life and never once seen him outside the manner of a "good friend" even when she started becoming more of a woman, the odds aren't looking good.

    prince dudes an irredeemable asshole. if it had to be hali or him, of course hali would be better but I was talking about the Red Head specifically and how he seems more interesting as I cant tell what his motivations are, or what kind of person he even is. he's kind of hard to read and I'm not sure what his role in the story is going to be just yet, that why I'm invested in learning. in comparison hali is kind of simple and we already knew everything we needed to know about him near the start.

masticatious November 12, 2020 9:11 am

I dont think she deserved dying that way. the reason she kept looking for her brother was because she was going to come clean, Beatrice saw that and decided to off her before she could talk. but why did she leave at all if shes safer in a public area with more people? perhaps she got desperate and went to raeliana for help since justin wasn't around..

the placement of the body is always heavily scrutinized in crime scenes, raeliana is in front of vivian not behind her but then again.. people are going to jump to conclusions nonetheless

    FEatch November 13, 2020 1:03 am

    Fr like anything but a long ass stick that can’t be handled properly would’ve been better. Like dawg that’s impossible for a person standing in front to stab someone in the back.

masticatious November 12, 2020 4:47 am

I wonder if this is one of those cliche romance formulas like a "taming of the shew" sort of thing where the strong minded/opinionated loud woman will be pacified and lose her ambition and agency as she falls in love with a man.

this is sort of a crack headcannon but if this were primarily a shounen/isekai genre and Power Scaling was the main focus, Liana's character would have been the strongest MF around already. She'd be the gender reversed One Punch Woman equivalent (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

masticatious November 12, 2020 12:48 am

although I usually dislike the "first guy wins" cliche, even I can see there is has been more development and time put into Mc and Mio's relationship. since they both haven't met each other prior to the events leading up to the palace, Mio got to know her as she is for WHO she is, it's only after overcoming conflict do they move past their initial discomforts and become close friends. now they're close enough to wear each others clothing and not put much thought into it.. they both trust each other inexplicably and lean on one another for support as they share their respective duties and that hits harder with me. its like they are a team or partners.

whereas, the Counts feelings right from the start are directed towards this "other" Ash character, and are meant only for her. He keeps seeing her as this other woman which turns me off to him. plus he's only just appeared now and he's acting like he's called "dibs" on her or something.. (I know he cant really help it, but I cant sympathize much with this attitude either)

The romance is nice and all, but the premise had be thinking this would be more of a mystery/drama maybe ash would help the Queen somehow and avert her horrible fate? but I was anxiously looking forward to seeing how the story would play out, so far there as been little progress since... it had a lot of potential so I hope they put the romance aside for a while and get back to it.

masticatious October 4, 2020 4:40 pm

feelz bad for agreeing with him, dont disappear Jason!(/TДT)/

    Kageasaki October 4, 2020 10:40 pm

    I totally agree with Niwe on that part. There were a lot of misunderstanding when the twins were still with their mother, but the royal side of the family were trying to explain and show their affection (they're not that good on this one tho lol) as much as they can. And the twins just won't L I S T E N.

    co1orful October 5, 2020 1:46 am
    I totally agree with Niwe on that part. There were a lot of misunderstanding when the twins were still with their mother, but the royal side of the family were trying to explain and show their affection (they... Kageasaki

    LMFAO FRRR they fr acting like kids thought they be like 25 something haha idk why they ain't listening

    co1orful October 5, 2020 1:50 am
    LMFAO FRRR they fr acting like kids thought they be like 25 something haha idk why they ain't listening co1orful

    Hmmm okay maybe I should rephrase what I said because it's true that all the traumatic stuff that happened and age depends on the type of environment to be healthy mentally so idk honestly but yeah I just wanted to clarify, Im just being impatient to them drawing too many conclusions I want them to wait more and stuff I dunno :(

masticatious October 1, 2020 7:57 pm

to the "strong female lead suddenly loses agency when the ML is introduced" disease.
dudes already taking on her fights for her. I know he has a job to do, but I've got a bad feeling hes going to be one of those overbearingly protective types that annoy the heck out of me. I dont much care for that martyr like aspect to him either.

masticatious September 28, 2020 9:24 am

to be honest I like Count Venus more, he's the only one that doesnt exist just to simp and has his own reasons for staying at the palace separate from just being loyal to Julia. this makes him more interesting. eunsto wouldn't be so bland if his entire character wasn't defined by his relationship to the MC.. idk I just can't root for him even though he's the obvious choice

kind of a side note but ML's are often framed as these selfless individuals when it comes to pursuing their love interest.. but if they are acting in the benefit to the [self] in anyway they can't be called selfless.

    Popcrazy September 28, 2020 9:48 am

    yea his martyrdom like devotion is kind of an turn off.. the magic dude suffers the same treatment

    when I notice this stuff in other romance isekia with a female lead it starts to feels like these stories make it too obvious they aim at insecure girls with low self esteem when the guys behave like they worship the ground the FL walks upon. much of like how harems have all these thirsty woman who all want the uninteresting blank slates shlong, even tho they all have extremely different tastes and personalities...

    I dont know if its different for others but I'm not the type to project myself/or see myself as the "protagonist" if you get what I mean..

masticatious September 27, 2020 2:22 am

but unfortunately the author forgot all about the magic earrings she got from him, oh and Ria's character development, not to mention the plot.. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ ha.

    Shiatot September 27, 2020 6:38 pm

    yeah right i thought so too HAHAHA#-.-)

    Ellyon September 28, 2020 4:00 am

    lol honestly everything at this point.

    Shiatot September 28, 2020 4:49 pm
    lol honestly everything at this point. Ellyon

    yeah right

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