masticatious November 20, 2019 2:31 am

also I appreciate them fleshing out and focusing on the psychological issues in the protagonist due to her years in imprisonment. all the characters seem interesting instead of one dimensional. definitely excited to see where the story goes.

masticatious November 19, 2019 11:17 pm

Doyun is hot when he's being bossy & playful during sex. sick of yaoi's depicting the ukes as unwilling (never the ones to initiate) and the seme's as these overbearing/aggressive jerks. it kind of like a lot of shoujos' in this regard. the ml is always the one to lead the romance, the female protagonist never takes control. it just doesnt seem very balanced.

    Akitachan November 19, 2019 11:34 pm

    Yes! Yes! And yes! This is why I can be really picky with the stories I read because soooo many fall under this category! Love Shuttle is a breath of fresh air!

    miki November 20, 2019 3:16 am

    4 me this is like baseball pitcher and catcher. both have to play their position only. LOL Know your role, ri? but fact is, the catcher is the one in charge, not the pitcher, even though the catcher is nicknamed the "mean wife." it's a twisted confusing world out there. On the field, the catcher is the boss over the whole team, even though he's the one squatting down. lmao

    masticatious November 20, 2019 9:47 pm
    4 me this is like baseball pitcher and catcher. both have to play their position only. LOL Know your role, ri? but fact is, the catcher is the one in charge, not the pitcher, even though the catcher is nickna... miki

    that's an interesting way of looking at it lol

    miki November 20, 2019 10:52 pm
    that's an interesting way of looking at it lol masticatious

    Right?! LOL masticati, ty for thinking it's interesting! XOXO

    raindragon November 20, 2019 11:50 pm
    4 me this is like baseball pitcher and catcher. both have to play their position only. LOL Know your role, ri? but fact is, the catcher is the one in charge, not the pitcher, even though the catcher is nickna... miki

    I'm impressed by your knowledge of baseball, and of all your idiotic comments, this one is probably the best, terrible grammar notwithstanding. lol

    miki November 22, 2019 9:19 pm
    I'm impressed by your knowledge of baseball, and of all your idiotic comments, this one is probably the best, terrible grammar notwithstanding. lol raindragon

    I love you too. LOLOLOL
    you like baseball or just baseball manga? LOL

masticatious November 19, 2019 7:35 am

accept it and move on, stop being the poster manchild for adultery. he doesnt seem to care how these rumors might effect raeliana's reputation or put tension in her relationship with noah. he also doesnt have anything to lose in all of this, since such double standards for being a homewrecker when your a male don't seem to exist in this comment section.

masticatious November 18, 2019 10:38 pm

ugh, I hate this sort of mentality from guys. thinking you entitled to a positive answer because the person isn't seeing anyone currently, almost like insinuating that any alternative reason wouldn't have been "good enough" excuse to refuse. not a fan of passive Rugmat mc's either. its not too hard to understand why a guy like him would date someone like her. she's pretty, and she's meek. if you can't even look him in the eye as EQUALS, and he isn't even self aware enough to consider that by having his friends with him, it might be putting unneeded pressure on you to accept (public proposals are the worst for this) then he's not worth it.

    Mickey December 27, 2019 4:07 am

    I understand but you'll see something interesting in the latest chapter. I was SHOOK

masticatious November 16, 2019 7:39 am

why did her mom give her the number!? you ASK the person first if its okay. you dont just hand out her number to anyone claiming to be a "friend" bitch has some nerve after being a homewrecker, not only that but her intentions for wanting to get in touch again are looking somewhere between wanting to gloat and just being a dick. either way their friendship is looking pretty damn superficial right about now (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

    kim December 17, 2019 5:08 am

    My mom would've said if your really her friend shouldn't you know it give me yours and i'll have her call you.

masticatious November 13, 2019 8:27 am

dude dont go sneaking around her back, just ask her what she thinks of the damn letter (╬ ̄皿 ̄) why u gotta complicate things, eh??

    Me. November 13, 2019 8:42 am

    I don't think he realises that reading the letter affected her. He thinks nothing of it and assumes she would have too.

    masticatious November 13, 2019 8:46 am
    I don't think he realises that reading the letter affected her. He thinks nothing of it and assumes she would have too. Me.

    his butler dude straight out tells him she started acting weird after reading the letter yet he doesnt know it effected her yet?

    Me. November 13, 2019 11:53 am
    his butler dude straight out tells him she started acting weird after reading the letter yet he doesnt know it effected her yet? masticatious

    ? The butler told him she was acting weird because she wanted to know what the letters said. He's not had any interaction that we've seen with the butler after she read the letter...

    Setsuna Uchiha November 13, 2019 12:10 pm

    He should've been happy to find the she is jealous of the girl who sent him the love letter.

masticatious November 9, 2019 9:54 am

and it ENDS with them getting back together? I'm not into story's that trivialize abuse.

masticatious November 8, 2019 12:06 pm

I kind of have a feeling this will end with Haesoo growing as a person after having been monopolized by two very dysfunctional love interests, deciding on his own to put an end to it for his own good. taku and jowoon need some serious therapy

masticatious November 6, 2019 7:18 am

all in all its better they discuss this and make it official when he's sober and lucid, not when he's in a vulnerable state where he could be pressured into it. Taehan is a true gentlemen for waiting and I'm glad this isn't like some other toxic yaoi's I've read where the main couple's sizes are physically disproportionate (small, large) and they trivialize controlling abusive behaviors. Doyun is a refreshing lead that is unbashful about what he wants, isn't depicted in a feminine coded way and its nice that he tops so often, taking the initiative in sex rather then looking like he's being raped, unenthusiastic about the act. both doyun and taehun are social equals, there isn't any power imbalance in the relationship, breaking away some of these more harmful stereotypes around seme/uke dynamics.

masticatious November 4, 2019 9:05 am

I can't support your decision on account of you having a tragic lonely life, it'll be her heart you breaking and her life your dooming to that same solitude, ya selfish cunt. people seem to overlook her pain in respect of his, I'm surprised and disturbed at the number of people encouraging this outcome, disregarding her autonomy entirely with the logic she'd "get over it eventually" if that's the way the writing is going to go I'll be severely disappointed in ever mistaking this as something unique among the stories with monopolizing alpha males trying to control the female mc, this wasn't one of them. I have strong morals okay? I can't be enthusiastic and cheer on a romance that is toxic af. get your shit together ML!

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