masticatious January 28, 2020 8:18 pm

the minute the story tries to have you think the FL is some unique example of a strong badass lead, gotta nerf her when the ML comes in ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    FERGUSAN February 11, 2020 7:12 am

    I fucken know right like she beat those guys asses and then suddenly one them comes back and the ML comes in to save her ass like bitch wtf. Honestly females can’t have anything I’m a little bugged about it.

    analyticalpotato February 12, 2020 10:34 pm

    Noo!! don't nerf, instead have her stand as equals with the prince!

    I really want to see a situation where she repays the favor and comes to caramel's rescue and he's like "wtf? I could have done that" and she's like "Yeah, but I do it with style"

    FERGUSAN February 18, 2020 9:26 pm
    Noo!! don't nerf, instead have her stand as equals with the prince!I really want to see a situation where she repays the favor and comes to caramel's rescue and he's like "wtf? I could have done that" and she's... analyticalpotato

    I mean I want that too happen but I highly doubt the storyline is going to give her that spotlight

    deserted_flower April 5, 2020 3:38 am

    fr i'm staying irritated at this. like she's supposed to be strong but not too strong cause that'll make her be unattractive in comparison to the ml. I hate it.

masticatious January 24, 2020 12:07 pm

good to know, I'll wait a few chapters and skip them.
I dont care ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

masticatious January 21, 2020 6:37 pm

getting a bit possessive are we? xD I wonder if she's going to be the lead this time? give him a BJ?

masticatious January 14, 2020 7:12 am

she likes him already? I kind of prefer victor tbh

    Panda February 19, 2020 11:27 am

    Lol i thought "who's Victor?" then i realized twas Coal lol i got so used with Dawn calling him Coal that i thought it was his name xD but anyways same feels bruh.. same feels (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

masticatious January 14, 2020 4:04 am

it means she has some obligation to return said feelings, so what he developed one sided emotions, does that suddenly make the past and the fact he's complete self centered asshole disappear?

masticatious January 14, 2020 12:59 am

I see they aren't really drawing any lines of distinguishment when it comes to biological reaction//verbal consent either, just conflating the two. "whats the problem your dick/pussy is wet so it's fine right?" ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Arethwyn January 14, 2020 9:09 am

    Uhh, it's from a position of not understanding. Like kids eating tons of candy because "candy is tasty" without understanding tooth decay. He doesn't understand why she doesn't want him to make her "feel good". He was programmed with knowledge of "how to make master feel good", not "is it ok if I get intimate with master?". Now he's like a boy entering puberty and wondering why he's getting erections. He mentions that she got angry at him before when he touched her but -he doesn't understand why-.
    He has a plethora of skills but no common sense.

    masticatious January 15, 2020 8:20 am
    Uhh, it's from a position of not understanding. Like kids eating tons of candy because "candy is tasty" without understanding tooth decay. He doesn't understand why she doesn't want him to make her "feel good".... Arethwyn

    he admitted himself what he was doing wasn't for her benefit. the lot disliking my comment are really creepy to not see anything wrong here.

    Arethwyn January 18, 2020 5:45 am
    he admitted himself what he was doing wasn't for her benefit. the lot disliking my comment are really creepy to not see anything wrong here. masticatious

    You're still projecting human sense onto the situation. He's not human, he's a robot. A dildo with a pseudo personality. Calling people creepy for disliking your comment saying it's because they don't see anything wrong with the situation is a bit presumptuous. You don't know what their reasoning was for the dislike so stop projecting your insecurities.
    Obviously, if a person taking care of another person knowingly took advantage of them then there's something seriously wrong going on. But it's a robot, and he's not aware that touching without consent is "wrong" from a "morals" standpoint. Morals are acquired through experience and learning, (most) humans are taught such basic things from a young age. It's why you can find drastically different moral codes in cultures across the world.
    He keeps doing things to pleasure her despite protest because he recognizes [Her in pleasure = Her Happy] even if that isn't completely true. At the end of the day it's all about doing it FOR HER to be happy.

    Now, the line you're referencing:
    "That wasn't for her sake at all..." that thought was in the context of "Why did I touch her while she was sleeping...? That wasn't for her sake at all... Is something wrong with me?"
    He started to clean her sweat, nothing wrong. He made observations about human skin vs his own, but on seeing her body he started getting urges, went into a trance, and started imagining what it would be like to use the intercourse function he's been equipped with for her. He then came to a realization upon thinking... and this is important... "I want".
    He only used the phrase "I want" a couple of times in the chapters before, but they were things for her. "I want to do this for you", "I want to help you".
    This time was: "I want her to call my name."
    "I want her to do something FOR ME."
    That stopped him in his tracks, he realized that what he was doing (touching) wasn't for the purpose of helping her or making her happy but for his own selfish want.
    He's heating up "for no reason" and his "intercourse function" is trying to activate itself without his input. This has lead him to think something in him is "broken". This leads to his request at the end of chapter 5.
    This one's a bit more smutty compared to similar, more pure-love-type robot+human manga, and it is a little bit forced to say the least.
    It's all rather cliche and they already foreshadowed him overheating and losing his memory. There are a few possible endings after that I can think of but we'll see.

    But, yeah. I didn't dislike your comment because I'm "creepy" like you said.
    I'm just not a shallow reader like yourself.

masticatious January 12, 2020 11:34 pm

bringing a goofy likable optimistic bag of joy with a angelic smile into lippes life, having them gradually get to know and open up to each other in ways even her family can't understand her, even share their insecurities and flaws with each other but then making some rando typical "cool and silent" dude the ml. not what I would have done, but hey ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ I guess it makes sense consumers would prefer wish fulfillment perfect fantasy boyfriend ML types over more grounded realistic characters. gotta sell your work somehow

    KiryuuYuki407 January 13, 2020 1:28 am

    Well, we don't know him yet, he might be actually an interesting character... At least that's what I hope so, hahaha ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ But since we don't know him yet, I'm open to give him a chance (▰˘◡˘▰)

    kurochiichii January 13, 2020 2:10 am
    Well, we don't know him yet, he might be actually an interesting character... At least that's what I hope so, hahaha ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ But since we don't know him yet, I'm open to give him a chance (▰˘◡˘... KiryuuYuki407

    That's true, but my only other issue and reason I think I'd always prefer Hal is because he was loyal to their family till the end and she knows that, like a precious man in the "future/past??" And a precious boy who is like family and a bff and with the sane interests?? Its too much perfection ╥﹏╥

    KiryuuYuki407 January 13, 2020 6:34 am
    That's true, but my only other issue and reason I think I'd always prefer Hal is because he was loyal to their family till the end and she knows that, like a precious man in the "future/past??" And a precious b... kurochiichii

    Yeah, but he was loyal until the end due to her brother not her, and sometimes a friendship can be just as beautiful or even more beautiful than a romantic relationship. That's why I don't dislike not seeing this seemingly perfect characters as just friends to the main girl/guy, because friendship is just as beautiful. But that's me, haha

    KiryuuYuki407 January 13, 2020 7:01 am

    And again, I think that we are being kinda unfair with the ML, he didn't know her in her first life, so we don't know if he would have being as loyal as Hal until the end, maybe with his help in this life she will be able to find the culprit to her family tragedy. We don't know at which extend he will be a good or bad character, because we don't know him yet xD

    Also Hal didn't love Lippe in her past life, the reason why he's now interested in her is because he is attracted to mature women, and of course Lippe is mature, she's an adult in a child's body and she has never being intelligent enough at hiding that fact (if someone spoke so well when he/she was a baby I would have called an exorcist, that was creepy xD).

    That's why I'm not onboard on the HalxLippe ship, it is cute, but I need to see more development in order to actually ship it, haha

    masticatious January 13, 2020 10:52 pm
    Yeah, but he was loyal until the end due to her brother not her, and sometimes a friendship can be just as beautiful or even more beautiful than a romantic relationship. That's why I don't dislike not seeing th... KiryuuYuki407

    " he was loyal until the end due to her brother not her" thats not entirely true as he made a promise to her in his past life to find out what happened ( unless im remembering wrong) whatever applies to her brother also applies to her in this case hals loyalty was of benefit to the whole family regardless of who he was doing it for.

    masticatious January 13, 2020 11:23 pm

    from what I've seen and can understand from how their first interactions with each other go. Reas (the ML) acts kind of stuck up when they see each other officially for the first time.

    until later.. in which an "evil" woman insults lippes mother (while Reas and his servant watch the scene from nearby door) the woman starts getting physical, poking lippe and trying to intimate her until lippe slams her with some of her sassy backtalk. then the lady freaks out goes in to slap lippe. her mother is watching all of this go down btw.. (what mother would just sit there doing nothing while her daughter is getting harassed by another adult? she had plenty of time to react too) in which.. the ML appears to "save the day" flower petals flowing in the background and everything (by getting involved in a situation he has no business in) now realistically, it should have been her mother who intervened earlier showing off how protective she is of her kids, how all those touching moments between them weren't just fluff/fanservice but.. because the plot needs to make the ML look like the the awesome badass he is. they have her sort of sit out most of the drama and only say something after the ml (a child) already handled the situation xD oookay oh.. and he's a genius so there is that too. how perfect. this dude had no flaws, he's just a power fantasy character.

    KiryuuYuki407 January 16, 2020 3:58 pm
    " he was loyal until the end due to her brother not her" thats not entirely true as he made a promise to her in his past life to find out what happened ( unless im remembering wrong) whatever applies to her bro... masticatious

    Obviously it was for benefit of the whole family, but that was not the point of my comment xD What I meant was that his love and loyalty was towards her brother, some people in this comment section are acting as if his actions were motivated by some sort of special affection towards her, which is not true (not saying he didn’t care for her in any way, but he cared for her just because she was Lucius sister), that love & loyalty Hal had for Lucius benefited the whole family, but since Lippe and Lucius were not that close in her past life she also wasn’t close to Hal.

    That was the whole point of that particular section of my comment that you so kindly highlighted it. And as I said before, that’s just my opinion, you may or may not agree with it, but it’s still just my opinion, I never said he was horrible or that he didn’t help the Rustichel family, I just said that he did it for Lucius, since he is really important to him.


    And about the ML, I don’t really care if he acts stuck up in the beginning, I’m here for character growth and development, I will see if he actually gets it, characters who are just perfect in every way are just boring...

    That’s also why I find almost every character in this manhwa more interesting than Calliope...

    Lucius is very smart, but he has siscon and is really stubborn
    Robel is a genius at swordsmanship but he is not very bright
    Elphinny is strong but is very insecure, antisocial towards girls & not very femenine
    Harrison is a gentleman, but he is a womanizer and lokes to tease people
    Hildert was rude and childish, but since meeting Lipe he’s trying to be better

    Every character has its pros and cons, but to me Lipe is way too glorified in the story, the only fault she has ever shown is that she was not very bright (not to the extreme of Robel but she was kinda normal in that regard), not acting as a child when she should have to in order to not be suspicious, etc... But lately she’s been shown as also being very smart, so there it goes her only flaw that comes to my mind at this moment, I still like her, but what I mean with all of this is... I would rather meet the ML as a character with flaws than a perfect being just for wishful fulfillment, a charming but flawed character with enough space to grow, just as almost every character we have met in this story

    masticatious January 17, 2020 7:34 am
    Obviously it was for benefit of the whole family, but that was not the point of my comment xD What I meant was that his love and loyalty was towards her brother, some people in this comment section are acting a... KiryuuYuki407

    "And about the ML, I don’t really care if he acts stuck up in the beginning, I’m here for character growth and development" sorry in advance for the long reply ^_^''

    but thats one of the things I dont like about him AND many ML's in these types of stories. there is no character growth, because there is nothing he is ever "wrong" about. he has no glaring flaws that in the context of the story are made clear to be bad or hurtful to the people around him, acting in bad faith and making mistakes which otherwise likable characters end up paying for in his steed (they are always backed up with justifications because "his intentions were good" " since he loves her" in the end) so there are no consequences. no risk he would ever have to take accountability and admit he was being weak. so it feels like there is so little payoff thanks to the plot armor protecting his ego. the only this that "progresses" is his feelings for the FL really..

    with Hal he feels like he has some insecurity issues around trusting himself and putting that trust in others because.. it can be a heavy burden to have to live up to the trust and expectations other people place in you (parents, school, jobs) that is a fear I'm sure many people can sympathies with on some level. its relatable. I'm sure he grows out of this eventually and learns to trust himself more but I dont see anything to close to such wholesome development from Gary Stu McGenius kun over here.

    you know, you often see this theme of "a woman changing a bad man for the better" in romances, but the only thing that changed for the better is how he treats HER. his harmful habits, ways of approaching conflict or emotional immaturity, mostly stay the same so how much has really changed and how much is he doing on his own accord? not because its influenced by her? I want to see them WANT to be better people on their own because they realize their approach to things is wrong not because their world revolves around FL. it gives them more agency.

    "Every character has its pros and cons, but to me Lipe is way too glorified in the story"
    I agree and I've had my fair share of moments where I've rolled my eyes at how obvious they were being, whacking a hammer over our heads with how great she is. but I think they tend to hype her intelligence fairly consistently? I mean.. she seems to always prefer looking at things is the most negative light (to avoid disappointment or mistakes) so she misjudges people intentions/feelings toward her sometimes with her more cynical frame of mind as hal pointed out. I wouldn't say that contradicts anything we've seen before because while the story points out she may be intelligent, she can also lack self awareness being stuck her in her own head over analyzing people intentions. she seems to take after lucious in this regard. I dont think he really notices a lot regarding the people around him either, he's kind of self absorbed and probably be just as likely to be prone to think someone would only be approaching him with hidden intentions. he treats his best friend like a bumbling idiot even though there is clearly more to him then this bright facade he put up (for mostly other people benefit)

    both calliope and reas are hyped up as perfect existences in their own world by the people around them. but at least calliope intelligence's is backed up with her actual age, raes is just a genius. "because"

    KiryuuYuki407 January 17, 2020 7:01 pm
    "And about the ML, I don’t really care if he acts stuck up in the beginning, I’m here for character growth and development" sorry in advance for the long reply ^_^''but thats one of the things I dont like ... masticatious

    Don’t worry. I don’t mind long replies since I tend to write a lot too ( ̄∇ ̄")

    I don’t have a lot to say about this particular issues, I have already made up my mind and I have expressed my own thoughts about them, but knowing myself I will probably write a lot again, so sorry in advance about that ;(

    I just have 4 things to say about this...

    1. About the ML: We still don’t know him though. We don’t know if he is or if he’s not stuck up, we don’t know if he’s perfect or if he’s flawed (though being stuck up definitely counts as a flaw, but being stuck up is a flaw that makes you undesirable and harder to sympathize with, than being insecure). We don’t know anything about him, just how he looks like. Your own bias is being influenced by your disappointments with the MLs of this kind of genre, and I get you, I really do, but I’m the kind of person who likes to meet a person first (in this case, character) and then form my own opinion about him/her. Maybe after knowing him for a few chapters we will be able to do it (to me 20 would be desirable, since appearances can be deceitful). What I do know is that I want give him a chance.

    2. Jesus in disguise troupe: I think that it’s a bit harsh to hate all ML who change because of the influence of the FL, since in this kind of stories there is the troupe (that I hate) in which the FL changes (to the better) everyone who comes near her, including the ML, so hating the ML just because this Jesus in disguise (FL) also changed him is kinda unfair xD (I hate this troupe, haha, In the only series that I have actually liked it it’s in the “Fruits Basket” manga, every character is so beautiful and flawed at the same time, including the FL, Tohru. In that manga I just want to see everyone happy, even the “villain”).

    3. HAL: I don’t remember ever seeing him insecure about himself though? Or insecure about his family’s expectations? This manhwa has a slow pace, so maybe it was long ago, but I don’t even remember him expressing this, the only thing that I remember is that he’s an older brother of several brothers and sisters, and he plays and takes care of them sometimes, but he has never complained about it in a truly negative light. So I don’t see him as insecure or in need to meet someone’s expectations, he seems overconfident to me, haha (not something bad, but it is a completely different picture of him compared of what you have, haha). I need to read it again from the very beginning, hahaha, I don’t remembeeeeeeer!!! ;A;

    4. And about Lipe intelligence, they have been fairly consistent about it (since she’s an adult)... In theory, but she shows a strong lack of common sense, having common sense is part of the collective intelligence that we acquire trough the experiences we live in. Calliope is an adult, an adult who lived through a lot of situations that most people do not experience, she should have common sense... So it irks me that the author dismisses it in order to have cool situations in which she can display her adult intelligence in the body of a young child, or her elegance in a little body who is too young to even know how to act like that, children lack common sense, but she’s no child. She does things that sometimes makes me question her common sense, and in relation, her intelligence too, since both of them are related.

    This is just my opinion, I’m not writing this in order to offend anyone, this is just how I view this.

    Btw, sorry about my english, is my third language, so I’m not the best at it. Also, I wrote a lot, I knew it, haha, sorry about it too.

    masticatious January 17, 2020 9:55 pm
    Don’t worry. I don’t mind long replies since I tend to write a lot too ( ̄∇ ̄")I don’t have a lot to say about this particular issues, I have already made up my mind and I have expressed my own though... KiryuuYuki407

    no worries we both just have differing views regarding the situation but it was interesting getting your take on it. the ML is supposed to come up soon (a couple chapters) so I'll leave you to your own first impressions of him. I think you expressed yourself considerably well for someone on their third language btw. I still struggle with one ( ̄▽ ̄) but yea thanks for taking the time to get back to me and take care.

masticatious January 10, 2020 12:56 am

Emperor invites his knight to share in a manly drink with him as comrades (* ̄∇ ̄)~❀

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