It’s weird reading a manga series that involves the job I want in the future

Hmm, I'm not talking about personality but... Well, how can I explain ? The environment is rotten. Like hell. 3D artists are used as slaves, basically. How can I explain it. Well, for the biggest companies, 3D artists are interchangeable. As it is, for Ubisoft, or any mega company, if you're not willing to work overtime (and not just an hour or two. The 3D artists who developed Anthem were working 100 hours a week for more than a year. Some of them developed a PTSD after that. They were sleeping on their dusk and had break down in the toilets.) well as I was saying, if you're not willing to work overtime, your job is in the line. Thing is: Mega companies aren't going to ask you to work 100 hours a week but everybody working for them know that they need to do it if they want to stay in the project. Because the company is in position of power. Hundreds of 3D artists are in line, waiting to work for them. If you don't wanna lost your health and sanity for your work ? That's okay. Somebody else will do it.
That why I stopped my formation. Cause I was talking with my classmates and at some point, bragged about the fact I slept 2 hours last night. They looked at me like I Had completely lost it and asked me if I'd be able to finish my work in time. Because, for my classmate and for me, spending two hours sleeping a night was a luxury. When I realised that it wasn't normal to call five hours of sleep an oversleep, I quitted.
What I mean is : the job and the environment is interesting. But. As it is now, 3D artists are overworking and are exploited (because they're creators. They still are underpaid for their real worked hours, too.) It's dangerous for their health and sanity. If you still want to do the formation because, it's true, it's a great job, go for the independent companies. It will be a little better. (You will still work around 60 hours a week still)
He’s got some good options ( ° ʖ °)