Mulberry's experience ( All 0 )

Mulberry's answer ( All 3 )

"you look mexican" "you look native" "you look filepino?" "you look indian" hun did I ask? Now I just say "yes I am ___ how did you know?"   1 reply
25 06,2020
hey there, I will do my best to try to answer your questions based on my own opinion. 1) yup I have never wanted to be a gay man. I have wondered what it would be like to be a guy in general, like "what would my thingy look like?", but that's about it. None of my fujoshi friends have ever told me that they want to be a gay man. 2) to be honest femi......   reply
25 06,2020
Don't worry about it. You are not too young to be reading yaoi in my opinion. When I started reading yaoi I think I was 9 years old and I also watched the animes of them. I have always adored the lovefelt love stories of yaoi and that has been the main reason why I have been reading it to this day (I'm 17), and yeah the smut at first was shocking b......   1 reply
08 06,2020

Mulberry's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did hating someone

i hated on him but i found out he was hot and wasnt an actual catfisher

1 hours
did getting piercings

got my ears pierced and im super happy!! but im still wondering if i should get my nose wings pierced

7 hours
want to do hating someone

I WISH I could hate people so they could stop hurting me but I just don't have it in me

11 hours