Ally's experience ( All 0 )

Ally's answer ( All 10 )

about question
You’re not overreacting at all! He’s a ginormous major red flag   1 reply
8 days
about question
Ally 16 07,2021
Everyone better start documenting the manga they’re reading now before it’s too late Yes… all 500+ manga.   reply
16 07,2021
This is not that fucked up, but my grade one teacher opened the classroom door and it hit a girl walking past it, sending her flying across the hallway. My teacher never said sorry, he just closed the door right after.   1 reply
09 07,2021
I look rather cute as a brother!!!   reply
11 06,2021
about question
Ally 02 05,2021
Discount version of Chocola anyone?   reply
02 05,2021

Ally's question ( All 1 )

I’m going to Japan soon and my friends want to go to a host club. I am very against it because I have horrible conversations skill when it comes to guys and I don’t want to drink any alcohol because I’m a lightweight but if I were to go I would definitely not want to be sober. My friends are saying I should go just to experience it, but I don’t want to experience something I’m already uncomfortable with. I want to go to an Internet cafe and read manga, but they still want me to come instead.
Anyone been to a host club and not enjoyed it, knows what a first time customer goes through/pays, or any ideas how to convince them to let me stay at the Internet cafe while they go?
22 02,2024

People are doing

did cosplay

I cosplayed as nezuko once but know I wanna do Sanji or maybe even Boa

3 hours
did toxic friends

Hahaha I loved the part where she said I should stop following her around like a dog

3 hours
want to do cosplay

i'd make such a good jotaro kujo (pre testosterone, 5'8" trans guy)

13 hours