Sweet BL homie's feed

AAGGHHGFGH IT'S HERE!!!! I'VE BEEN CHECKING EVERY WEEK!!! FINALLY. I WAS SCREAMING WHEN I SAW EUNJAE AND SAN TOGETHER. I was thinking I'll be waiting for fucking months until something happens but here we already got San saving Eunjae's ass and being a gentleman around him like stoooppp ლ(´ڡ`ლ) And Eunjae WHY TF DID YOU TAKE THAT BRACELET OFF LMAO but nvm if that didn't happen then you wouldn't bump into San hehe. That bald monster was scary but I was laughing at Eunjae's reaction like 'Here we go again' lolol omg I'm so happy this made my day and the cover photo is real good and gives me hope and positive vibes

oh and San and Eunjae getting new hair just added a bit of a razzle dazzle, it's just chef's kiss arstdxgkck