I feel like Juergen isn’t also what he says he is like the timing of everything like the late night phone call and how the meeting spot is near Juergen’s work and how he understands things in context and adapts really quick. Juergen has the same suspicious behaviors of a spy too I feel like they are going to be enemies but since this is a romance they will stay as lovers

I feel like Dion actually just wants Roxanna love not romantically but more like how roxanna loves Ashil in a brotherly way and dion also wanted that sort of love but in since both Dion’s mother and father are pretty fucked up he just doesn’t know how to express his emotion however portraying them in a negative way and how Dion killed Ashil I don’t know this is just a random theory

I swear I just want her to get strong and then kill everyone and avenge her country then join with her co-knight buddies that were also revenging her previous life death as a mercenary group or something and turn this all into a action because so far I hate all the males in this series but this will never happen

YES THIS!!!!! I read some spoilers in this comment section and honestly both of the male leads have problems, ((SPOILERS FROM HERE ON)) silver hair dude killed her, no misunderstanding and he still keeps her body somewhere (without head Bc he gave the head to the king) and the black hair dude didn’t care much that she tried to kill herself bc the prince ordered her to, like dude there are so many flags pls pry a little man
Nico and Sano are really cute but I also really like the leads because they aren’t problematic I wish both have their own mangas well the leads do but I still want a manga of both relationships separated and also their friends too