Someone thought this was on cool mic but I don’t see it anywhere.... Spanish raws are pretty well into it. Would love to just binge this in English though..,,
2020-01-23 10:28 marked
oops, this item doesn't exist any more
2020-01-21 13:38 marked
"You scrawny shriveled-up apple bastard"

Lmaaooo that's some insult
2020-01-18 00:25 marked
toonkor. bar/거짓말-같은-거짓말
2020-01-16 20:39 marked
i really pity her
i read the novel and i can day that she won’t escape her unwanted marriage
2020-01-12 19:33 marked
Let's enjoy (≧∀≦)
2020-01-09 11:22 marked
PLEASE GO READ THIS ON THE OFFICIAL TRANSLATORS SITE. They have finally gone public again. Please go read all their works on their official site and support them there. They also are further ahead and aren't missing pages or have any pages out of place like here.
2020-01-06 10:57 marked
Ehen raws *^*??
2020-01-01 07:22 marked
Scroll down for SERIOUS SPOILERS!















Miha thinks Soohwa likes his cousin Leehan because when they were younger Soohwa pretendes being inlove with Leehan so they could get married and that way Soohwa would get his inheritance like his father promised, which included Miha. Little Soohwa only wanted to marry cousin Leehan so that he could become Miha's owner, but from that tiene Miha has always thought it was because Soohwa was really inlove with cousin Leehan.

Then a black haired Miha-lookalike showed up who pretended to be the amnesic Soohwa's lover in front of Miha. But that was a lie. Then the lookalike sent a big blond muscle guy to seduce Miha while he "takes care" of Soohwa. Big Blond Macho Man, who knows Soohwa from before and is in bad terms with him (even though he's friends with Soohwa's cousin), obeys and goes to Miha with the excuse of giving back the bag that he left behind, then starts talking to Miha about how he fell for him at first sight and knows Soohwa is making him suffer, so he wants to set him "free" by giving Miha real love, yadayadayada. Despite Miha's resistance, he keeps taking Miha's hand in his, saying it's a way to "try to connect their hearts", yadayadayada.

Miha is annoyed and then taunts him as if he's going to accept and Blond Macho Man thinks that right then Miha reminds him of someone else, someone who also cries when they laugh and who has also given up on everything, and thinks of the black-haired Miha-lookalike.

Flashback shows Blond Macho Man remembering the time when he was following his father (his father's the creepy gangster in white, with the long white hair and impossibly long fingernails) to a room where Soohwa's dad was waiting. On their way there, they pass by the dark Miha-lookalike who's lying down naked and slightly bruised, he smiles emptily at Blond Macho and Blond Macho stares and seems startled, but they keep going, enter the room and meet Soohwa's father.

Creepy white ganster and Soohwa's father seem to have a weird relationship and Creepy White asks Soohwa's father if he's angry because they are late. Soohwa's father asks him why he came with someone else, and Creepy White says that's his son, who's Soohwa's same age and that his son and Soohwa are close... "just like you and I" says Creepy white. Blond Macho interrupts and says "that's not true, I'm not close to that idiot Jeon Soohwa, you should mind your own business" and leaves the room.

Blond Macho goes back to where naked dark miha lookalike is and finds him smoking a cig and waiting for him. "I knew you'd come back" says the lookalike, "so I just washed and waited for you here. I should do that, even if you think I'm dirty, right? I don't have any diseases. What you see is what you get" and he stars crying.

Blond Macho thinks "he was someone ib such deep desperation, that he no longer wishes to save himself. A person brought to tears"

End of flashback. Back to present.

Blond Macho thinks Miha is like that naked dark dude, brings him close and says "How sad, I don't know how you've managed to live like this, but I know what you're thinking now, and I won't throw you away like disposable trash. So go on and Feel as much as self-compassion as you want. I'll comfort you, but you know sleeping with me won't erase that feeling (remember, Miha was just now taunting him with the possibility of sleeping with him just for the heck of it). Let's take this slow between us... You're like a frightened abandoned puppy, yadayadayada..." (Miha tells him he's cheeky and knows nothing, but let's him hug him).

In the next chapter, Blond Macho keeps asking Miha questions like what's your favorite color, full name, hobbies, birthday, yadayada. He says he wants to go somewhere to hang out un a library and Miha tags along because he thinks Soohwa likes Leehan (his cousin). Cousin Leehan arrives and sees them (remember, they were at his house) and is about to object but notices how upset Miha is and leaves them alone. He texts Blond Macho, "What do you think you're doing? Why is big bro Miha upset" and Blond Macho texts back "Because of you, you and Jeon Soohwa..." (Because Miha thinks Soohwa is inlove with his cousin and childhood friend, Leehan, the darker big blond/brown haired dude with hair a bit longer)

Blond Macho's texts to cousin Leehan continue: "So you didn't let the kid go, till he ended up this broken, huh? I'll take care of this, oh, and just in case, give me Miha bro's address". Cousin Leehan is about to refuse, but thinks again and gives him the address. He thinks, "He (blond macho) is the honest type without malice that would be a good match for Miha bro, he won't end up hurt like when he was with Soohwa, on the contrary, it'll be a comfort for him, They have sth in common... Really, Soohwa, you have to get your shit together before it's too late. You're the one who can't live without Miha..."

Meanwhile, Miha and Blond Macho are NOT in a library. Miha: "You said we'd go to the library, why are we in a hotel". Macho: "This is where I live, I didn't bring you so that I could eat you up or anything. You can relax here. Feel at home. You can read a book and get anything from our library, I'll order sth to eat". Miha: "Sorry, I know you're trying to be considerate. I'm just a bit defensive". Macho: "I'm used to it. I've taken in a lot of lost stray cats and dogs in the past. I'm currently taking care of one right now, actually, but since there's a stranger in the house right now (Miha) he's probably hiding" (bet you anything the "stray" is the dark Miha-lookalike).

They go on talk about how they're both illegitimate children and how their dads know each other and seem to have some sort of relationship. Miha thinks he's cheeky just to show his sincerity, and that even though he can't tell him his complicated family situation because he's practically a stranger, and even though he thinks "hands connected mean hearts connected" is just BS, he likes his carefree attitude enough to think it may be possible to connect their hearts, after all. .....Meanwhile, Blond Macho has texted Miha's (and Soohwa's) address to the lookalike, who says, "So you live in such a fancy place, huh? Well, tough luck".
Then the lookalike asks a butler to call him a taxi, giving him Miha and Soohwa's address as destination.

End (for now)
2019-12-31 03:13 marked
Does anyone know the raw link?
2019-12-16 11:00 marked
2019-11-29 02:17 marked
Let me get this straight....

So the royal family of Yooguk sacrifice Prince Yooshin to a Great Serpent to create Yellow Dragon. Then one day, Yellow Dragon killed his brother and the Queen due to them almost destroying the kingdom. Yellow dragon then proceeded to summon a human being from another world to become emperor and his support for life force. We were led to believe he is the 27th emperor (27 different people) after the incident (yellow dragon killing the royal family).

He promised Dojin that once he brings peace to Yooguk he would return him to his world. Dojin brought peace to the kingdom and Yellow Dragon fulfilled his promise. Dojin went back to earth and lived his life. Assuming after that Dojin fell in love with a woman, married her and lived happily. Yellow dragon watched Dojin and is heartbroken. He used his power to turn back time. (what time did yellow dragon turn back? His world or the earth?) So from the 1st to the 24th time he returned Dojin and Yellow Dragon watched him for the remainder of his life.

Everytime regretting in fulfilling his promise and went back in time to get Dojin. Everything changed for the 25th time, Dojin did go back but did not marry a woman. So same as the 26th, then everything changed when the fire nation attack ( lol ). Whether it was the 25th or the 26th that was killed or something happened. Anyway, the 27th if I'm getting this right, is different from the previous ones. This was the last time that Yellow Dragon can turn back time. Dojin was summoned 3 days earlier, he was almost killed during the ceremony, everything is not according to plan if we base the reactions of the G spirits and Dojin due to the poison is remembering his previous lives? (or stacked memories) .. I am pretty sure that something happened to Dojin on earth before he was summoned.

What I don't get is the timeline. When Yellow Dragon would turn back time it is on earth and his world but I don't get it since the people of Yooguk have memories of an Emperor that has been not chosen for 150 years. Do they not remember the 1st to the 26th time? What about the close aids? What does it actually mean when he goes back in time? We know that the guradian spirits know of him turning back time. Also, I think the sorcerrer is the mother of Yooshin. Any thoughts? ps.. The story is amazing!
2019-11-09 02:12 marked
I don’t understand the difference. I know she is in the medieval eras, but taking a tiny heart off her face should not change how people see her. It’s the same exact face. You’re just seeing an extra piece that u haven seen before.
2019-11-03 22:42 marked

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