oops, this item doesn't exist any more
2021-08-01 07:50 marked
oops, this item doesn't exist any more
2021-08-01 07:47 marked
oops, this item doesn't exist any more
2021-07-31 06:04 marked
Ya all, I have some news for you guys. Admins are turning off comment sections one by one. Hold your tits and be quite, stop messing around and read your manga/hwa/huas . Creators are pointing on this websites especially on comment section so be careful what you are typing out of anger. It is being recorded, at least I have been informed abt that. Cheers
2021-07-29 22:46 marked

I just wanted some fluff but all I've gotten now is big dicks and traumas
2021-06-03 19:30 marked
oops, this item doesn't exist any more
2021-06-03 02:17 marked
oops, this item doesn't exist any more
2021-03-01 05:42 marked
why is everyone else dressed normal and kenneth just always looks like Queen Hoe plzzzzz I love his outfits
2021-01-18 23:52 marked
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2021-01-16 16:17 marked
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2021-01-14 12:56 marked
These are the spoilers with my own opinions inserted. I have a negative viewpoint. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK
Seme and Uke starts living together and it seems to go well because Seme turns into perfect house-husband who cleans and cooks perfectly. Uke is a daycare teacher and seme even drops by his workplace and everyone loves the seme, making the uke think seme is all that and a bag of chips.

Uke goes into heat and thinks he wants seme for himself, starts falling for seme but he's not happy about turning into a full fledged omega. But he thinks if seme is with him, it'll be okay. Uke has no track of time during his heat and doesn't go into work.

Uke one day after sex says that he wants a baby. Seme already knew uke wanted kids because uke confessed that he dated a cute and nice girl, but they broke up because the girl didn't like uke as omega, but uke wanted to start a family with her if they worked out. Also all kids love uke.

They both think that the other would be good parents.

when uke heat is over, seme tells him it's been 2 weeks more or less. Uke freaks out and calls his boss/manager.

Boss is like...listen, we know you are a special case but you're fired because you're an omega now right? It's hard right? There's a rumor you tried to seduce one of the kids dads. But it's just a rumor because we know you have a hot and cool new boyfriend who's obviously an alpha. Boss says seme came to tell them about the uke, and the uke is fine. Boss final words to uke: just go have some cute kids with your alpha, that's what an omega should do and is good for.

Uke's world falls apart and he tries to explain to his boss, it won't happen again, it was a one time deal, uke has a good doctor, the seme will help him, they have a routine and whatever figured out... but the final words of his boss just breaks him.

Seme comes home and sees uke upset, asks uke what's wrong. Uke says he got fired, and starts yelling. Seme tells uke it'll be ok and to calm down. Uke was thinking this all happened because he met the seme, otherwise he could still pretend to be a full beta.

But uke realizes since he already likes the seme, it's not fair to blame seme and apologizes to seme for taking his anger out on seme

Seme....actually admits to uke that it was all part of seme's evil plan to capture uke. Seme has been in love with the uke for a while and has always watched him and seen him around. Wanted to seduce uke, but wasn't sure if uke was actually omega, but then, ya know...chapter 1 and 2.....

Uke confronts seme and asks seme if he purposely turned uke into omega. Seme is like...100% yes because I love you and so let's stay together forever. I'll take care of you my whole life, plus I'm a perfect house-husband and I'm rich because I do trade stocks, you don't have to worry about money even if you got fired or whatever. (seme says it really nicely tho, but I just have to be snarky and read in between the lines) it would've been romantic had the seme not been an asshole to begin with...)

Uke is devastated and kicks seme out, saying he never wants to see his face again.

A week passes by and uke is so lonely and sad. He misses seme a lot. The house all over smells like seme. Uke notices seme left his phone and is like..."you left your phone...how can you even call me back, or how could i call you to tell you how i feel if you didn't even bring it"

Uke goes to meet with the doctor. Doctor is like...you wanna know about the seme? Uke all surprised is like..how'd you know? Doctor goes...well you look like crap, but the seme is even worse...he's at my house now. He's terrible. Won't eat, drink, do nothing.

Uke is like...that's terrible but okay. Doctor is like...I wanted to stay neutral but seme is like my little bro, so I have to take one for the team and fix it for the seme...

Doctor: Actually, the seme is trash but he's not a bad guy. You must've noticed...he wasn't feeling well when you were last with him right? That's because he was taking anti-rut drugs or whatever, and he got them from the black market and it has terrible side effects...*flashback of uke remembering seme having headache* The drugs differ from person to person, but it's obv. super dangerous and seme is only okay because he's the cream of the crop alpha.

Uke starts feeling shocked and bad and sorry for seme...

Also doctor, just going to insert seme's sob story.

Personal Side Note: I don't give a F about the drugs and the side effects to seme because he still first of all, manipulated and raped the uke. 2nd of all...they're anti rut drugs? But then he was still screwing the crap out of uke the whole time during the heat so...what the hell is the use of the drugs? Also, in real life, only women have to take birth control and it has many terrible side effects, headaches, nausea, infections, acne, unbalanced hormones, hair loss, extreme weight loss or gain, terrible appetite, depression, anxiety, bleeding out your catbox when it's not even the time of month yet...Worse, some women really can't even have children anymore when they're finally ready to have kids, but can't because B.C ruined their body...but no one seems to care. But oh, the second alphas or men take birth control or some type of control drug, oh, it's so sad...so sorry for them, boohoo...

Seme's sob story. Grew up in a rich family. His dad is a CEO of a pharma-drug company making drugs for ABO. Seme is the genius and best alpha ever seen in a century, making hella good drugs that has saved tons of people all over the world...he also has super duper alpha genes that just makes him that much better than everyone else for some reason...but alas, his mom died giving birth to him, his heartbroken father turned to his business forgetting about seme. Seme thought his dad hated him and left the house after highschool. Seme in turn also became super smart, researching everything...because idk...but because he was such a good researcher, seme is clumsy, sucks at communicating, he's selfish, arrogant, egotistic, all around trash guy, but he's smart, hot, rich so oh well...but, seme's feelings for you are real! You can change him! I think he fell in love with you, because you remind him of his omega mother. (me confused because how did he know his mom when his mom died giving birth to him?)(reading this from spanish raws, i might've translated wrong)

also doctor: you don't have to forgive him, BUT...seme's sob story, boohoo...

Sob story works on uke = Check
Uke falls in love with seme = Check
Uke, a victim, chases trash seme without seme doing any work = Check and mate. Seme does say "I'm sorry" to the uke when uke picks him up at doctor's house and cries, but that's it. they just hugged and went home.

Here's the kicker, as soon as they get back to uke's house, uke is taking care of seme who is sick from neglecting his own body because of the crap he did to the uke...so...no real consequences...

(not to say that child neglect isn't sad or not having a mom isn't sad, but idk...it just doesn't hit me as sad when it comes to this story, not to mention what seme did to the uke...rape, manipulation, changing his body without permission, getting him fired from his dream job) Exact quote from uke: You made me into an omega, you ignored my feelings, you locked me up, you never cared about me, this was all about what you wanted.

Uke is like, you didn't have to take the medicine, but you took it so I wouldn't get pregnant, so thank you *blush and heart eyes to seme* (me confused because there doesn't seem to be an actual rut or knot setting and wondering if condoms don't exist in this omegaverse)(also confused because uke's body changed to omega, but he's not a full full omega yet so, I'm even more confused, he only went from 10 to 30% omega currently if i remember so, I'm wondering if the rate of conception would still be that high?)(but anyways, I don't go to college and I'm not sexually active so I'm no expert, whatever)

But my questions are confirmed because the uke still thinks he has an incomplete body, he admits to seme, he was sure he couldn't have kids because his omega percent is so small? That's why he became a kindergarten teacher, because he thought he could never have kids as an omega...also, while making up at uke's house, uke says he's sorry because he thinks he caused his own heat because he wanted seme so badly. Seme is like, it's ok, I'm super happy anyways (yeah, we know...we really do cuz you didn't do anything good and still got what you wanted either way in the most convenient way)

Uke final words to seme: Thanks for making me an omega. *cue sex*

Uke firmly and successfully and safely transitions into full omega. He got rehired. Uke's omega brother just had a baby with his hubby and came to visit seme and uke at uke's workplace. Uke wonders if he and seme can be a happy family like his brother one day.

Seme goes...I don't know...Uke is like, well you will because I'm going to help you fix things with your dad. Seme is like, ok, I'll never let you go. Uke says ok.

It goes well...I didn't care to know the translatation anymore, but looking from the pictures the seme's dad isn't actually a jerk or anything. it just seems he's bad at communicating and so it was just a big misunderstanding, so uke is very happy with his future father in law.

seme and uke have sex and I'm assuming from the words I'm not translating anymore they're happy and maybe trying to get pregnant, among all the other sex words I'm sure they're saying...Seme says thank you to the uke.

The End.
2021-01-13 14:13 marked
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2021-01-12 13:37 marked
Gimme please raws or spoilers HUHUHUH i want it badly
2021-01-10 22:17 marked
Just in case some of y'all wanted to know lol

Ming ge WAS married, but he has already divorced his wife before they even started filming. They just haven't told the public YET. Xingcheng finds out later that he is already divorced and goes to Ming ge's room and tells him he likes him or some shit. Asks if he was ever moved by him. He says yes...but says that Xingcheng doesn't actually like him, he just wants to be with him because the character he acted got a bad ending or whatever. Xingcheng ends up telling him to sleep with him, since it's just fun. He was about to get thrown out of the room but then Xingcheng says if he doesn't sleep with him then he'll go and find any man and fuck him (this bit really annoyed me tbh like wtf!). Ofc he won't let that happen since Ming ge actually likes him. They sleep together and then pretty much from that point on they end up in a relationship. Honestly their relationship is quite cute, and both are extremely loyal to each other. There are numerous obstacles but they get settled pretty easily. Xingcheng tended to annoy me at times but honestly, in terms of a lover, he was honestly perfect. It is clear he loves Ming ge whole heartedly.

At the end, they end up married lol.

Note: Sometime during the endish of the novel there is this one annoying af bitch. She is in love with Ming ge and thinks that Xingcheng isn't good enough for him. She secretly takes photos of Xingcheng lying on semes lap all lovey dovey and crops the photos to hide Ming ge's face and sends it to gossip media or whatever the fuck it's called. It's funny though because when he finds out it was her trying to ruin Xingcheng, he brutally rejected her and told her that her attention and input into his personal life is unwanted and unnecessary. He ends up pretty much ruining this other actor's career as well because he tried to sleep with Xingcheng and ending up bullying him while acting because he was rejected. As soon as Ming ge intervened it's like the actor disappeared from the spotlight for a while lol.
2021-01-10 02:17 marked

Since highschool wen ninnian like the seme but the guy like the bitch shen luoan thinking that shen luoan is the one who save him when he was hostage as kid both niannian and yansheng are dying because they were beaten by the hostages. He doesnt remember it well but the only thing he has is the necklace which is a keepsake of nianian that has been given to him by her mother before dying. So fast forward they are high school students now he followed the seme to its school because he like yansheng just by looking a far is enough but he was found out by the bitch she luoan making yansheng bully him and the others in school making his school life miserable. Shen luoan doesnt love yansheng but only sticks to him so he's uncle can have connections because yansheng is the heir of GU family. The only one who support Niannian is Tang shuo the yellow haired guy he also confess but rejected by niannian. So fast forward again niannian and yansheng was married by both parties family so its like an agreement you know for company sake take note that yanshengs mother knows what shen luoan did to niannian thats why he send shen luaon far away, she also knows that niannian is the one who save yansheng as a kid but niannian refused to tell this to the seme because he really wants the seme to fall in love in him not just because the seme feel indebted to him by saving his life. 3 years of marriage all nianian receive is cruelty he was always beaten up until he was bloody, prisoning him in a dark place which triggers his ptsd and the bitch shen luoan steal the song that niannian prepare for yansheng in his birthday and they both played the piano and yansheng is also forcing nianian to divorce but niannian refuse he was totally heartbroken. There is a one accident where niannian is kidnap again cause by shen luoan. Niannian is beaten to death bloody with broken bones but he escape and walk many hours to their home and when he got their yansheng and his family was there so while covered in blood he agreed to divorce the seme while saying after this " DONT COME TO ME ANYMORE". After that we niannian focused in his career and playing piano ang apparently he was the famous pianist who is anonymous (WE) yansheng is also a fan of this pianist and after that he post in his account the song that was stolen by shen luoan making everyone ridicule the bitch for plagiarism. Tang shuo pursue niannian again but niannian promise that he will never love again, At the same time Yan sheng also finds out the truth that niannian is the one who save him and all the things shen luoan did to niannian since highschool he was shattered and heartbroken so he decided to pursue niannian again but niannian is disgusted and scared to him. Fast forward again there are many things that the seme did which kinda makes up to his sins like drinking alcohol until he throw up blood with other ceo just to get the medicine that niannian needs. He almost DIED many times just by doing things behind the scene like protecting nianian from shen luoan and the Qin company. In the end Niannian forgive Yansheng and they were remarried yansheng spoils the uke so much that the former yansheng is like a different person. Also Tang Shuo also found his love so all found their Happy ending.

Also Shen Luoan died he experience HELL because Gu Yansheng command someone in the family to torture the bitch Day and night ( ̄へ ̄)
2021-01-08 19:47 marked

Lucas is about to whoop some spirit bitches' ass believe me ( ╬  ̄皿 ̄)
2020-12-30 17:28 marked
I remember the edgy shit that I said when I was his age I thought I was cool and mysterious as fuck. I remember I said some bullshit about darkness and shit thinking I'm different from the others how no one understands me... Just thinking about it gives me shivers.
2020-12-30 03:05 marked
2020-12-27 16:08 marked
I'm fucking dying here
2020-12-14 15:21 marked

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