was his desire to break out of saewoos shadow, but also his conflicting emotions because of his loyalty and love for his brother, now thats no longer as clearly apparent and he's been acting like Littlefinger (GoT) those traits that made me sympathize with him at first are gone. he should have come forward and been honest with his brother about his feelings for ohn so they could both drop the pretenses and be on the same page. instead, saewoo had to find out his brothers feelings the hard way, by catching him in a lie. oh course, I dont like how saewoo is acting either. while they are scheming and thinking of different ways to control ohn and outplay each other like predators trying to catch prey, ohns being all giddy on the next panel.. clueless to how they are looking at him..
its not very pretty, everyone is coming out ugly in this.
I wonder what happened with that dude jaewoo was reporting everything too?
loose plot thread there
all the emoji faces are obnoxious. I kind of had this feeling he would be able to tell the twins apart, and that would be the hedge in their plan, but its been smooth sailing for them and reon still doesnt have a single clue about anything. its gross how they are taking advantage of him like this, and its going to mess him up big time when the truth comes out. I get that its not his fault, but they must both think he's an naive idiot at this point.