Not a lot of people are gonna agree with me but I kinda liked the story. The sisters rape part was a bit much but other then that it was refreshing. Different then other stories and intruging. Ending was also the best ending since all characters are fucked up. I liked that the author didn't break characters personalities. Didn't read a manwha like this ever. Not the best but it was a great read. Just not for everyone imo. Even though I didn't really like any character.

We’re the same I liked fucked up stories and poly relationships 2 or 3 timing whatever. I like how they tear, broke, and drag each other to a pit hole. I’m always curious about how this kind of toxic relationships ends up. Most of the time everyone’s irredeemable, which I like, coz from the very beginning I already know no one’s ending up w/ anyone. It started toxic it ended toxic.


no. they travel together until the money is gone. after that they have to work and so they start living together. after some time, they get married and why not adopting a child in an accepting country they've visited. in the end we see them old, wearing flowered sweaters and drinking tea while thinking about their beautiful life and how much they still love each other.
the end.
I cant believe I dropped this a while ago. As the story goes on it just deepens. I love, LOVE, this one. Such a good written storyline and the conversations are just so sentimental. The portrayal of the events were realistic. The characters were equally good. Such a masterpiece. I can even say one of the best. Really reccomend this one!