why alex doesnt wanna be a bottom? i mean it is so shamefull for top being a bottom? bottom or top those are fine.

dumbing down dong-gyun’s character to fit your narrative of women empowerment is lame. dg is a man, has nothing to do with sexism.
continuing, his character goes beyond just letting jiwon fuck, he’s generally submissive and nice. yes, in previous chapters jiwon treated him like shit, however it was due to past trauma [yes, trauma.] and he has since realized and grown from that. you comparing him to women in the first place is homophobia and sexism—he is a man. there is no such thing as being the “woman” in a relationship. also generalizing women to be submissive and shit in itself is sexist.

i don’t know if you caught onto this before but i’m a literal gay guy. the characters of bj alex aren’t homophobic stereotypes. regarding the appearance of dg and chanwoo, they’re unfortunately very effeminate however not until now have i viewed that as “yaoi stereotypes.” just figured the author has a preference for femboys getting railed

In the story, for the seme, yes. They don't want to be realistic gay men, but fantasy for girl and women, and the seme is ot meant to be a taker but the one who give it, it's all : ) I don't say this as an insult, but if you take as personal what fiction characters make (a lot of "bad" chara for example don't see as sooo bad killing ppl XD it would be absurd to think this is normal in reality, don't you think?), maybe you could speak with a good therapist. There's nothing bad and maybe it would feel better!

Search help. Really. You need a good doctor. It's maybe years you read this kind of things on the web (tumblr, maybe?) and you totally lost the ability to distinguish reality and fantasy, and people like you can become dangerous. Speak with a good therapist, they will explain you why there is NOTHING bad in fantasy and why fiction is totally different from reality. Search help, really. You need it so much.

Skeleton, my compliments to you, if all people who leave comment on the web were like you I'd still read topics like this (instead I was just unlucky and saw this without wanting it -.- sorry for the brocken english, it's not my mother tongue and I'm a bit rusty). I too commented this terribile user but tbh I think it's useless for both of us. People like them just have big problems, but unfortunately they write (as you said) "shit" like this on the web instead of searching help.

PS: Luckily people like you DON'T have the power to decide what other people (women first) can read, or we would live in a horrible world. And the fact you arrive to say thing like "omfg" is proof of how much you are irritated 'cause people don't agree with your insane view of the world ^^''If you think that is all, then that's your opinion. " LOL, it's the same for every (absurd) thing you wrote XD

Ah, and I forgot: your unhealty ideas are MUCH MORE sexist and homophobic than yaoi, uke and seme XD Lol, you are saying a gay man how gay ppl should leave their sexual roles and that fiction material made from women for women is "wrong" and should be adapted to people like you who don't like it (LOL). Guess what: nope. Again: search help, really. You need to understand that in fantasy everything can happen and that there's nothing bad. Again, THANK GOD you can't decide what people read, or we would live in a horrible world.

You seem out of your mind O_o to make a link like that between yaoi, skeleton's comment (who is just saying "there is people who don't want to bottom and that's okay") and this absurd idea XD Don't comment here, search a doctor! PS: writing things like "omfg" just make you appear more unreasonable :/

cry abt it. my point is dumbing down complex characters that don’t really have any stereotyping is lame, and that IRL people have strict preference when they’re a top. you’re not wrong on typical yaoi shit. however this isn’t exactly a typical yaoi, it’s a webtoon with genuine characters, decent writing, and it’s lacking cringe. you’re not incorrect, however i strongly believe that those stereotypes aren’t very relevant to this story in particular.

Please, don't believe the comment of the user blue. Thery are just sad theories by sjw people who always, always try to make people feel bad for their fantasies and kinks. You are not bad or wrong if you like even the trashiest yaoi ever with all the warnings of the globe, until you know that reality and fantasy are different. You can love realistic characters and all the "sadistic" seme you want and the weakeast uke of the world, and that's totally okay : )

The only whing who have sense here is that I made a mess with the multiple messagge, I never use the comment thread of Mangago (this is really an exception) and so ended up like this. You are trying to persuade everyone (failing) that uke/seme are offensive for women (lol), that's all, even if you use the words that SJW, unhealty people use on the web as shield (in this case for example "heteronormative") you are wrong anyway about the fact that yaoi and seme/uke are "bad". You don't like it? Perfect, read something else. Don't bully or disturb people who appreciate it. They are just fantasies, and as any psycologist will tell you, fantasy are always okay, if one knows the difference between them and reality. That's all. If you are really angry or sad beacause a FICTIONAL chara hasn't the chance to "develop" outside of the kind of comic whose he is the main chara, it means something. Something not very good for your own mental sanity, and it's a not a offense, it's a fact. It's a pity if you take it as a personal attack, it's not :/ Probably you just need a bit or terapy, there's nothing bad in that! About Skeleton, tbh he agreed with my comment about him XD and if he doesn't like seme/uke relationship I don't think it's a problem, considering that he's not being delirious like you ^^'' They are just taste, for example I find the classic "warrior girl" of many movies, usually loved by many feminist (not all), very annoying and irrealistic, but I'd never disturb a topic of people who love that writing "omgggg it's so horrible". Plus, if you are tired of my message, well, I can assure you that I got tired of off topic messagges like your years ago XD

"so straight female readers can relate more to the dynamic which is so odd. "
I make a new messagge just for this: you are really sexist and offensive. Like really, really much. People like you are the reason why nowadays an important movement like feminism is seen as ridicolous by most of people, even women. And the odd one is you, tbh, considering, that healty people know that it's normal having different tastes in fiction. You always ignore that part, but speaking with a professional doctor would help you a lot.
". A lot of yaoi, especially older ones has been criticised heavily for internal misogyny by authors"
And that's so sad, considering that there is freedom of drawing and nobody can choose what is okay to fantasize about. Again: SPEAK. WITH. SOMEONE.
Hi there Scanlator!
i know you can speak bahasa since u tl this webtoon, so i'll speak bahasa instead.
kak harukanya marah. dan post di instagram... mendingan kalian drop aja webtoon ini. i know, nge scans itu cape af. tapi alangkah lebih baiknya di drop saja.. karena saya sendiri gamau kak haruka berhenti bikin webtoon DESUGA ini.
fyi : kak haruka bisa aja izinin kalian nge scans kalo kalian izin kok.
pls consider this matter. unless the author of this work gonna drop this series.
thank u.