I don’t know why it is so hard for me to remember Asian names. Don’t even get me started on Chinese names with all those x’s.

Did you just start reading asian comics recently? Japanese names is easy for me because i watch/read animanga since kindergarten, i start to read korean comic and watch korean drama since middle school so it was hard for me at first but it became familiar especially after webtoon exist (the term 'webtoon' and the format of scroll comic is originally from korea), about chinese names i admit it's still kinda hard for me to remember even until today

No, yeah I get that in a in a Korean manhwa the characters obviously would have Korean names. And not like Billy or Joe. That would be weird. But I might just not be used to the combination of letters. IDK might just be me. But I am not new to manhwas or anything been reading since like 2017 I think.
The wait was definitely worth it….. Damn