minmin want to do ( All 1 )

instagram friends

minmin's experience ( All 1 )

lol it’s hate love I guess but love overshadowed hate most of the time. However, sometimes I wish that mum could just understand me and dad wouldn’t be such a cheating bastard lol. Me not believing in love is the result of their love.   1 reply
22 05,2021

minmin's answer ( All 1 )

about scared of
You love them? Sure. 13 years of friendship? Sure but is it really important compare to your mental health? Think about it, if you are happy with that person, then your life get better. However, when there is friends like this type, it would just make you feel mentally n physically exhausted. Girl, i’m not saying to drop her, or be continue frien......   reply
16 08,2020

minmin's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did song lyrics stuck in head

“ i felt a hole in my soul this evening, i thought it wuld b different after i left treatment, i stood up to a demon, momma u shlda seen it”

3 hours
want to do watch anime

How to watch

10 hours
did discuss a movie

About Monsters, the Netflix series. We talked about it for hours and other cases. The survivors deserve to be free. FUCK THE ABUSERS. DIE.

12 hours