It's fun to read but it's weird that they keep calling eachother brother or sister while flirting like she's not really but he is and that's just someone with sister I feel like throwing up but other than that, ml acts like a toddler with too much free time and money. I dislike him big time, don't get me wrong I love men with egos(like Lucas from wmmap) but this guy is just annoying. That guy has too much of an ego and thinks everyone wants to go in his pants and I think those pants are full of illusions by this point. I really hate that fl is kinda attracted towards him when he literally step on her injured legs and is daily sexauly harassing her. I mean they are showing how must men see women correctly( I said MUST Men and not ALL so don't came at me)
I also don't meam to point fingers bc I'm reading this but I think author has incest fantasizes or something bc they really do look alike but also call eachother as sister/brother like even he himself told her to call him by his given name when she tried to fuck her but it's really weird. But I can't stop reading cuz I want to see how bad it's going to go and how will they end up together
Bro wtf, I hate that scumbag. It's doesn't help Jayu case bc it seriously look like they are "flirting" even though keeps moving away. I feel bad bc Jayu didn't want something to happen but it turned worser for her
Give me a chance to muwan and I'll make you happiest man alive(๑•ㅂ•)و✧
No but fr without joking I wish that he is happy in the end, I like his character
Hm interesting both love interest have mommy issues but so does fl.
I feel bad for the play boy guy cuz HD really fall for her now but all she thinks of is ml
I actually wish she stays single bc both her husband(soon ex husband) and ml look like red flags. Ml is manipulating her amd stalking her...first I was roting for him but the more we know or see, The more I hope they don't end up together and girly stays single and be happy
I want to ask for some spoilers, not a lot though. What I want to ask is when does og fl that ends up with our current fl father comes around? Like does Leo grows up more or is it around this age?
Reynolds you adorable son of a bitch, I don't get how you can be related to that piece of shit that only thinks of himself. He ruined Penny's one most important day, I don't care if he was brainwashed bc even if he wasn't, he would love still done it bc his nonexistent ego is bigger than Burj Khalifa and thats the tallest building in Dubai and in the world but back to my favorite boi Reynold, I'm so happy that Penny doesn't hate him for what happened and understands what happened and I swear to God his so adorable, I love him more then ml(I don't ship him with penny though, I just love him more)
Ilay honey don't distance yourself for your future hubby....its not needed drama but your advice helped me aswell
Omg this is o cute that I want to cry. I'm getting cuteness aggression and want to squeeze them both bc how cute they are and I can't wait to see them in future amd I hope their wishes come true ╥﹏╥
That shithead, It's not that she's not interested in Clothes and brands but she knows it's expensive
It's so devastating that person that was assaulted has to feel disgusting and like they done something bad when it's actually all on a person that assaulted them. Ruby didn't ask to be kissed by him amd she didn't even want it(obviously) but she still feels like she is dorty and unloyal(I think) when it's that disgusting piece of shit that is probably not even bothered. I really wish he dies in the most painful way
Just what did he say in that letter and poor lady Gestella.
Plus those three are maniac!? What do you mean he needs to push his limits that much?!?! His a freaking kid still and that can damage his body real bad
Um, this feels like it was written by a kid. I used to read Wattpad and the pacing and plot are so much like in Wattpad stories. She's hated bc she's weak but she actually powerful and she quirky, her parents will regret how they acted when they find out and ml is just a pretty face. I like the idea but the pacing and characters feel so unrealistic and at the end of the day everybody lives her bc she's powerful, ml mother and brother changed bc she showed them her powers, don't get me started on powers, she has three powerful spirts all of the sudden. It reminds me of those gacha stories
No he really is like a prince, yea he is strict but hos fair and kind. My man is a green flag that even if he didn't want Marriage he still treated her with respect and took care of her not like some other mls Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)
Amd tbh fl is good actor ɓc I started to think aswell that she really is mentally ill
It's interesting but too bad that it's made in male gaze bc is it necessary that a devil god shows that kind of faces nonstop like I think it would be ok manga without ecchi in it
Plus I really want to see how he will kill them when his already has problems with it but that normal bc in heart his a human so family and bonds are important to him.