Lushia's feed

Lushia created a topic of As The Heart Leads

Omg they are becoming my favorite couple after izek&Ruby, Shuri&Nora, Arhy&Lucas. But ml is so attractive bc first his caring,kind,mindful,funny, he is also intelligent and isn't jumping into his mind(forgot whats that called) and is actually observant and realizes that she is not in a fact working with her father and his handsome but I love fl aswell, she's so sweet and smart even though she tries to distance herself bc of evil spirits, she still helps him
Oh oh and the story is unique in some parts like yea she got reincarnated and ml is "cold hearted tyrant" of sort but there where it ends to me like they found other way to heal his dark aura that is usually healed by saint fl and he is cold tyrant not bc he wants it but bc the dark aura controls him