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DbbonMGG July 15, 2021 9:14 pm

So many times I read a manga or comic and they never talk about their issues and past??? Like they just have all this trauma and no one talks, but then they fight over it or act dumb??? This manga is so refreshing, to see Gozu and Eve be so honest with each other about their feelings??? Gozu talking honestly about his past and what he's been through? Eve not caring and being honest as well??? The love??? *chef's kiss* There is a reason this is my favorite BL right now. Even with all the sex scenes in the beginning, the communication they still had??? Like???? Can't wait for the next chapter!

DbbonMGG May 26, 2021 11:26 pm

I burst out laughing when the kids said that their dad said that mackiddie needs to get eve's ass. I died for real :D but sorry, he's loyal to Gozu so....

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