noo! Do not support this scan group. Just as the name suggests, they are toxic. Both to the authors who created the stories they (illegally scan cuz this is licensed in English), and to the people who support them. They say extremely offensive slurs (homophobic, racist), and are hateful to those with disorders (anorexia, etc.)
It is illegal to gain money off of this shit anyway, so report them to authors. Please. You don't have to give up mangago to stop the scan group's toxic behavior.

If you want screenshotted proof, this was sent to a lot of the discord servers I'm in.

Someone clearly didn't read the scan team's note to not upload. I know y'all wanna read some good shit, and there is no offense to that, however uploaders must be aware that 1. They are ruining the authors livelyhood, and 2. Mangago makes a fuck ton of money off you reading, that doesn't go back to author.
Be aware of your actions, and know that the author that you deem respectable cuz they draw your favorite stories looks down on people that are reading it here and upload it from the english licensed version, where you can get sued and shit.

sadly this is not me who uploaded this so its like whoever uploaded this is risking it for everyone who wants to read it for it to be taken down real soon. They dont know how to read da last uploader request/warning that this series should not be uploaded at all. this is why i say in da comment somewhere last week that i be leaving links to it so i dnt risk it being taken down. I'm sorry to say this but please do read ch.18 post from the uploader again so you know dammn well that your not supposed to upload it anymore. They almost got this series deleted off this site hense why they dropped this series beside the fact that it got licensed.

Yes I will be uploading this but in a form of a link so they cnt say that it was uploaded on mangago. I was about to put the links down in da comment for people to read till I saw that this was updated and got pissed off like who is da dumb idiot who uploaded this when it said from da last group. (Who Im working with right now) to not updated cause the author is on da lookout and will want to sue this site like many author on here.

thats cool! using mangago to find stories and then paying for chapters for authors you want to support is awesome, really. but 1) that wouldnt be possible without uploaders and 2) not everyone can do what you can. I agree with ur message ur just being a bit harsh. (also im p sure you havent paid for chapters for all 175 stories, but I shouldnt assume)

I have spent a lot of money on buying chapters from official stories, but u right, I haven't bought 175 full stories (rip to the bank account lol)
I suppose I was being a bit harsh, but it's just really sad to see people excited for an update when the author's official English just started.
At least give them a chance for profit, you know?

yea i getchu, perhaps uploaders should wait a bit before releasing stuff onto mangago, it would probably urge for readers who can to buy chapters while popularizing the story at the same time. But its awesome that you do pay for what your bank allows lol, i do think that the sec i have a reliable income I would love to support authors as well, the same as other ppl :)

For those who are saying "fuck it idc, as long as it gets uploaded" should care. When a project gets sniped, and the person gets praise (tho Didi didn't know), it's so unmotivating. That's how stories get dropped, and you guys get upset.
This "industry" has unspoken rules that most scan groups follow. If you ask anyone who does scans, they'd probably agree.
Most of the time, it's quality over quantity.
This person who uploaded the new chapter meant to cause a feud between Didi and the original scan group. And to make you guys upset.
Most of you bought into it.

What about the original author whose effort is being posted here illegally and without her/his permission? How is that not discouraging? Plus, the chapters take too long to be posted. The team can work on their other illegal projects which they don’t ask permission from the original authors to do. We don’t have the right to complain about “sniping” and discouraging. I do understand that some people may not be able to buy the chapters but the best we can do, is at least not pretending that we’re doing the right things or we care about “sniping”

If you care so much, why are you here, out of all places? Mangago is an aggregator site, and rips/allows people to upload the official English.
I'll be honest, I'm not sure if this has an official English release.
If it does, you are supposed to cease all fan translated releases. Also an unspoken rule of scans.
This is within a grey area of the law (which is why scandalating exists without much backlash), but it definitely becomes illegal if it stays here even after an official language release/ people upload the actual English release here.
We translate because we are fans, not of contempt to harm their sales.

The last release was earlier this month? I'm not sure why people are saying that is too long, that's better then some groups.
Just because it's faster doesn't mean it's better.
I'm not dismissing Didi's work, its a lot to take on as a solo project. But you can't deny she sniped a project that released earlier this month. Didi wasn't even the topic of discussion.
I was referring to those who say "IDC as long as it gets uploaded", because it completely dismisses everyone involved.

Eh I didn't realize that Hex uploaded a week after the one previous to them. My apologies.
However it still doesn't change what I said above? In fact, it makes it more evident that when a project gets sniped, usually the previous uploader drops, and now it takes an even longer time for updates.
I'm not shaming Didi, my original subject was the person who uploaded out of spite. People are praising this particular person, when they're being a total tool.
I am not going to continue to argue at something we both agree on?? It's just wasted time.

I personally love that you took your time to do this entire long ass project, however, do find yourself some better editors to do the cleaning and typesetting. Also, try not to leave bubbles blank. It degrades the already not so hot quality.
I don't dislike that you picked it up entirely by yourself, in fact i love that you tried your best to do it, but try to boost in quality. Even if it takes a bit longer.

What the fuck. So demanding for something that’s not for profit smh. Calm your tits. Can’t believe 80 other idiots like you can’t comprehend that people who upload don’t have to turn in grade a professional work. Most of us just want to get the gist of the story - we haven’t had an update in MONTHS - and the English here (aside from minor grammatical errors) is good. Be fucking grateful, or get out.
To uploader: ty bb

Hey, im just saying, if it bothers you that much just don't read. I'm in the boat where quality really messes with my reading. Doesn't meant the scanlator, who gracefully picked this up, is obligated to make it look so glam for everyone to enjoy. plus, they really are just ONE person. I've scanlated before, 33 pages is a fucking lot and i just typeset. THEY did the whole shebang on their own. Just learn to be grateful and shut your mouth about the other things. gratefulness gets overshadowed by ideas of obligation
╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

maybe fact that so many people agree with this opinion means that person is somehow right? or ofc you know better...? Imagine reading a book with plenty typos and errors and give reader your amazing response as shut up and be thanful. If no one would be complaining quality will stay as it is, I just hope that next chapter will improve. Learning to typeset can be done even in one evening. Translator-san if you want help with typesetting feel free to pm me, I can give you plenty of advices and websites to learn from.

I'm not asking for professional work, now am i? I'm telling the TL that quality can be better. I'm fine if it stays the same, but i'm pointing it out. I have already said i loved that they picked it up again, Especially a solo job, but quality is an important factor. Getting a gist of a story isn't reading the story. Getting the gist is reading a short summary.
Demanding is saying they ABSOLUTELY need to do better, or they have to do it. I'm pointing some things out.
People always jump at others for giving criticism. I said if she is to spend time on it, than maybe she can get people to help her, or learn some extra stuff to make overall quality better.

Did you not fucking read what i said. A solo job is hard, and i really love the fact that they did it, especially by themselves. When have i said otherwise?
Quality is important, you aren't going to change that, i'm not asking for professional quality, definitely not, but boosting the quality with small, easy things help.
I love the story, but i can't help but feel if she gathered others to help her, 1. It'll be easier on the TL 2. It'll move much faster.
When you leave bubbles blank, you aren't getting the entire story, which is why i said so in the original comment.
I said try to do it better, or get people to help you with it, not "Release faster" or "The quality is such shit, you better fucking do better or imma kill you"

So an irrational double standard. I'm not picking up a solo project just to say i can do better than another person, that's rude and petty. I have no need to prove anything to you, more or less learn another language to make you happier, and to prove a stupid point brought up.
This person is sharing this publicly, they ofc don't have to do it, but if they are gonna share it publicly, then she has to have prepared herself with some words other than upmost aproval.
I love that they picked it up, are trying thier best, and that they didn't give up halfway through. I quite like this story as well, but you cannot tell me that that typesetting (and leaving bubbles empty) is absolutely perfect, and will not get criticized.
My main point stays the same. At least learn very basic ability to typeset (cuz cleaning takes time, and she doesnt need to do that), or get some people to help lift the workload.

Look, acknowledging that they did hard work is good. But you feeling obligated to tell them to better their work denotes that acknowledgement. You think if they could do it better and had more time/resources they didn't think of that ?!? You're quite contradictory in wanting to support them but turn around and negate their work by demanding "better quality". Just cause you're not being a total asshole doesn't mean what you're saying isn't actually denoting their hard work.
Actually wanting better quality, you should offer your help!! Instead of trying to yell it towards them, because that won't do anything but make them feel self conscious and rethink all their hard work. Maybe you should think about that first.

I have acknowledged their hard work, their quality improved tremendously, and they themselves realized it wasnt the best when they first posted the first chapter they did. They are learning to do a naturally better good job, learning new ways to do so as well.
I know that they worked hard, it doesnt take rocket science to figure it out. Just like a cood critic enjoys the food, they still have to point some small things out.
I'm merely suggesting they learn a weebit more, or find others to help, cuz as far as i've seen, there are others who are willing. I support them with improvement, and as a solo job. I can support someone, but tell them actual things, rather than sugar words.
I haven't yelled or actually gotten pissed within this comment section, but annoyed that people have missed the point, and overeacted, telling me to stop reading it, "Be fucking grateful"
Yeah, i get it, but i'm not urging them to do anything. I suggested something that would make it a win win for both parties. Doing a decent job (regarding just quality), boosts self accomplishment - possibly boosting how quickly they want to work on it again, and makes it overal a better read for some.
"Getting self conscience, and rethinking their hardwork." I never fucking put them down for working hard, i noticed that they have never done it before, and they tried their best, yeah i get it already. No need to shove it down my throat as if i were a kid. I'm not demanding anything. I suggested it. They don't have to listen, nor am i forcing them to. I said quality could be better, which is an opinion, and something that you can't say is incorrect.

Also, "Better Quality" is an important thing. You aren't going to read a story filled with loose plot holes, illogical thinking, ect.
It's because you know those are cheap writen stories, but you know that the author probably tried their best.
So you suggest them onto the path of creating a better/more thought out story. Giving suggestions on how to fill plot holes, prevent MC from doing decisions that would most likely be unrealistic to the character type.
Is this not the same scenario, except with a solo, inexperienced, person?
Because you want them to do better, not just with the story, but as a writer, you suggest changes. These changes are never unlearned, and the experience gained wont degrade.

Agree <3

You definitely ARE making the stupidest demands from this generous translator. You forget this is a website of ILLEGAL sharing of copyrighted works. Your criticism is unhelpful, tone-deaf, and stupid. If the translation didn’t make sense (I.e: super broken English) maybe I’d agree somewhat with you but that is NOT the case here. You come across as an unthankful lame-ass reader that has nothing better to do than shit on kind people. If you think you can do better, then fucking do it. I, for one, I’m grateful to the uploader because I can’t read Korean and I like this story. I’d never dare to make the awful comment YOU did bc it wasn’t up to professional standards or whatever. Smh what an asshole you are.

For one thing, you can't fucking read, cuz you aren't seeing the point.
We aren't here to get your shitty political opinion, and that analogy makes no fucking sense, so just stop. Politics aren't welcome here to split up two sides, more or less a valid point to your shitty arguement.
I am happy, and glad that this person picked it up, so fuck off about me being ungrateful, shoving "Ungrateful bitch" down my throat isn't going to change that. I said try to find others, or try to learn a wee bit more how to do it, to make it easier on themselves and self motivation when people see the improvement. Also, the key word is TRY, not Do it.
I have nothing to prove to you, nor will i learn another language just to tell you to fuck off. If i wanted to do it, i would, but i am not gonna do something to prove to YOU out of all people that i am superior to this person, who worked hard to complete a project.
I said to try and find others to help improve quality. I am not demanding that they do jackshit, nor is it the end of the world if they don't improve the quality. I suggested it because of the drop of quality.
The english is fine, i'm not talking about translation problems, but the not so hot typesetting. I don't give a flying fuck about what you think, but leaving bubbles blank is a no-go. Cleaning doesnt matter because it is difficult, and i appreciate their attempt.
I never once said i could do better to gloat on the person who is doing this project, i will not say it, because it's fucking insulting to the person and rude. Which, if you want to make a point, you don't do those things.
Last thing, but when have i asked for professional quality hmm? I just wanted to see improvement in their quality of work, which is what they have done with the additional update. I never once have fucking said i wanted perfect cleaning, typesetting, translations, not ONCE.

Look, i'm kind of done with this excess drama coming from other people on this post. You're not wrong to say you don't like the quality. That's your own right (i actually don't like it either. so I'm just gonna abstain because that's the most realistic option). But you cannot go out there assuming someone should go get educated on something they're simply volunteering for. They've already done enough to translate what is even happening. Yeah, you're not being a cut-throat obligatory person, but you're still over stepping. I think if you really do have good intentions, feel free to share resources or tutorial links so the TS can use them (put in YOur work rather than asking them to put in MOre of THEir work). Rather than telling them to go find better solutions, offer them. Anyway, I hope you have a good day. Some people seem to be taking this too far. Stating an opinion and shoving it down someone's throat is completely different.

I'm quite glad my point has been made, and i also see the point you were making. I know it is sorta rude to ask of others for extra. I wasn't trying to be mean about it, so the next time i should probably watch how i phrase what i say.
Sorry, the only reason i had said "shoving it down my throat" Was because others. I wasn't really directing towards you, which i apologize for. You seemed quite calm, and middle grounded, which is unlike another person who had replied to me.
Anyone have the link to the novel (official)? + appreciate your work translator!!
There’s no English translations for this novel
I know I want the link to the original :/
(If u can’t view it, u need to make an account & verify your age)
You can follow this step, that’s how I get it :)
Thank you ٩(^‿^)۶