I feel satisfied with the ending of the first season. We finally know what was going on with the house and why people were dying so suddenly. We also established the roles of the characters.
I think that the next season will probably be more focused on who Kate really is, and maybe some romantic progress with Ian~

"Happiness does not simply fall into our laps"
I really liked this statement she said in the ceremony. Simply bowing your head because it might cause a stir and disregarding your people is sad. And I hope that the people of the fief will realize that what she was doing is right, since all she's been doing was for the people's sake.
It pisses me off that people would try to ruin a person's life just because they don't like her and how she's becoming politically and socially prominent. They do this at the risk of ruining many innocent lives just to achieve their goal. It just shows how ignorance and corruption can be really deadly.
The arts is beautiful and the first part of the story really got me hooked. But when the drama came I just couldn't. I can't stomach misunderstandings upon misunderstandings. I also kind of find this predictable, just like your afternoon telenovelas.
I know that these problems will be resolved in the future but ohh well I'm dropping this. To those who will continue to read this have fun~
Agree 100% this was going to be my comment ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭