I can't wait to see everyone's faces when they realize that Xiaowan's actually there. Also can't wait to see Sangran's defeat.

I dunno if this one is one of the stuff you were looking for but...The Ghostly Doctor, Puppilary Master, Holy chef crazy empress, Miao Shou Xian Dan, Queen of poison: the legend of super doctor and princess, I forgot another good one damn it. This one I just like,just wanna share it: Contract Concubine
This homewrecker needs to back off and this betch keeps cutting them off, I'm not royalty but that is really rude (ノ`Д´)ノ彡┻━┻
Leana needs to realize that she has already fallen for her HUSBAND!!
Also I hate that myth where this black haired girl marry the emperor and rule the land with peace and love. I'd rather have this empress who's intelligent and already has a great reputation with it's people than a clueless hopeless romantic that just popped out of nowhere ┐(´ー`)┌
Also Lehman is def the one working with the temple and doing this rebel attacks. He's also trying to push Mia to the emperor but I'm not sure why yet. I kinda liked in the beginning but he was sketchy, bro why u doin this...
I think he's also from another world or something.? And maybe he wants them to be together to be with Leana. But I think it's an absurd assumption