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Gin November 17, 2023 3:18 pm

I read the raws and enjoyed the story some time ago, and I felt like taking a nostalgia read when I saw it posted on here but...My word, I'm not sure what happened but unfortunately, the translation isn't able to deliver the content of the story well. Hope this doesn't get review-bombed due to the mistranslation.

Gin January 26, 2020 11:57 am

While I do like my redemption arcs where the bad guys have a beautifully-written backstory, I just can't bring myself to accept Youngha. He gives off the vibe that I would associate with someone who's renting a prostitute who he doesn't give two flying fucks about. Yes, he has feeling for Chanbit. Yes, he was coerced into leaving and giving him a messy break-up. But hell in the no does he, at any point in time and place, seem to respect his partner's boundaries, both mental and physical.
I feel so bad for Baekyung, who is the complete opposite and is whole-heartedly satisfied with being stuck with his unrequited love as long as Chanbit is in safe hands and finds his own happiness, even if it means giving up on a future where they're together. It's frustrating to watch because his feelings and intentions are that pure. 100% respect for him is all I have.

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