I want an alternate version of this story where the demons just like hurt or kill Shin's grandparents, Cecily and his friends and Shin just fucking explodes and destroys everything in sight because everyone he cared about is literally gone or something.

You know what? I'll add more since y'all are likin this.
Shin, realizing his mistake and snapping out of his demonic rage or at least getting some sense of what humanity he had left, found that a devastating amount of all the living beings in the world were wiped out and only a few survivors who were smart enough to hide or run away lived. Anyway, Shin couldn't accept that he nearly wiped out all living beings on the planet and killed everyone he loved. And so, Shin began studying vigorously, first making himself immortal so he could have all the time in universe to work on getting his friends and family back. After successfully turning into an immortal, he worked on cloning and transferring their spirits to the clone so that the clone could at least be a part of the real thing but that obviously failed, something was blocking him from trying to get the souls or even get in contact with them. And so, Shin tried multiple ways to get the people he cared about back but they all failed. So then he gets the great idea of traveling to an alternate universe similar to the one he is in but it's one where he didn't get demonized but something was blocking him from getting there, yes he could travel to other universes freely but something or someone wasn't letting him into other kenja no mago related universes. So then he decides, "hey theres time travel from other universes" , so he travels to other universes where he thinks time is possible because he already knows that his universe isn't capable of time travel, I mean he's already tried everything even time travel in his universe but they all ended in failure. Anywau, yadda yadda, Shin travels around the multiverse looking for time travel and when he succeeds in finding time travel and learned how to work it he brings it to his universe and tries it then.. It exploded. White. Everything was white. What had happened? Why couldn't shin get out of the white void no matter what magic he used?
And there, the ending was rushed sorry I have no go somewhere rn so yea..
Me to
me too
i want to see beru quickly please
Looks like a fart ^^^
Looks like a fart ^^^ ( ̄∇ ̄")
It's running
From how big the fart right :3
Kidding lols