It was good, but the ending didn't feel like an ending. I know this is a common thing in yaoi, but if they had talked it out earlier it would have been much shorter and simpler. There were so many things at that point that just felt rushed or unfinished and there were so many loose strings not tied up. Even when they finally did talk, it didn't feel like there was anything really to it. It was good until it started rushing, and I'm really unsatisfied because it felt sort of empty and tiring for me by chapter 9. It felt awkward, not because of the AV since seme needs money, but because the other actor showed explicit interest the seme and it feels like he was never properly rejected. It left a bad taste in my mouth because the seme lied to the uke and never clarified anything, and the other actor was just left on hold basically. I'm very frustrated. The other actor's sole purpose was to spur drama, and that drama was never properly ended. I feel bad for the other actor because he doesn't seem like a bad person, and I feel bad for the uke and the seme because they're dumb. They're an idiot couple, but not in a cute way-- they're an idiot couple in the way it made me write this rant. It feels unfinished and empty. It was so drawn-out, yet the most important moments were rushed. The only part I could fully enjoy were the kids being sweeties.
Sorry about the rant, my dudes.

squel of this exist but cant find anyware

I love this, but I actually feel bad for the seme. I mean, you ask someone out, they tell you that they would date anyone other than you, then they ask you to pretend to be their significant other immediately after. That kind of sucks, my dudes. I don't think the uke means to hurt him, but he's not the sharpest knife in the drawer sometimes.

I think the point is that Dohyun is going through puberty for the first time so he is immature which is what the panicking and inability to process his feelings etc is about. Taehan is being patient I think because he knows somethings off. The fact that doyun just went into heat for him after 24 years of uninterest in anyone else must mean doyun actually likes him in an intense way Taehan hasn’t felt before so sex is prob better even though he deals with crazy
I love it when MCs stand up for themselves! Khaol was being such an asshat that I lowered the rating to 3 stars because of how much it pissed me off. But thanks to River growing into a fine young badass, I cranked my rating back up to 5.