The ONE TIME I read a story before browsing the comments! Never again will I ignore the words of wisdom warning me away from this

Why are people rating this when there’s no chapters yet??

I hate the girl too…but is anyone else irritated at the guy talking to Anju like he wasn’t a giant cheating piece is shit? Like you cheated on her and not only are you talking to her but you want her to comfort the woman you cheated with?

Darcy created a topic of The Heart of the Lotus

This poor man can not catch a break

I literally trust no one in this manga no matter how nice they seem. Literally the only thing I’m thinking is what sort of pervert/psychopath is it this time?? What the fuck is in this towns water supply

Darcy created a topic of Lee Seop's Romance

I’m really starting not to like her

Darcy created a topic of Monday'saviour

Something about the lip biting has got me…

“I’ve been waiting 15 years”

“I’ve had a girlfriend before you know?”

Some waiting he did huh ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

Darcy created a topic of Stigma (Doo Down)

I cannot stand the smug look on this shit heads face ヽ(`Д´)ノ I’m so not into this ml guys

Darcy created a topic of Our Sunny Days

He’s handing out eggs… and the baby is dressed like a chicken…I’m fucking melting

I also hate that scheming bitch but I think her ex is also a piece of dog shit

Darcy created a topic of I'm in Love with My Foe

Guys I thought the title said I’m in love with my foot

If I have to read through an amnesia arc or some Moe Kare I’m responsible for your accident so I have to be with you bullshit I’m out

Darcy asked a question

Does anyone know a yaoi I read a while ago about uke in love with a man that already has a wife and son? The son ends up loving the uke when he grows up?? The dad dies and they see each other at his funeral?? Please tell me if you know it! ┗( T﹏T )┛

Darcy created a topic of Our Sunny Days

Guys…this baby is so fucking cute I can’t even ┗( T﹏T )┛
Also I kept thinking that baby reminds me of something… does anyone remember the oysters from Alice in wonderland with the walrus and carpenter? Those hats she wears makes her look like the oysters