That story is so perfect !!! No rape, no abuse, ... and I just love that Yuki is actually thinking about is feeling and just doesn’t got straight (haha) to the « yeah I love him. » ! Like his actually thinking about is sexual orientation and all of that in a meaningful way ! Also that friend ! Clearly best friend of the year change my mind ! The guy was fine about the whole thing, actually point out that was it him that had been kissed then that manga wouldn’t exist XD and it’s kinda cool to see the difference between I’m downright straight and you are not
I’m mumbling and not making sense oops
But yeah a really great story with beautiful drawings !
Can’t wait for next chapter - spicy stuff guys
⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄

Such a beautiful work !!! It’s in my top 5 !! XD
But I was reading the comment and damn I was thinking the same like how the prince was from another time or world or something and with the broken miroir the ending was going to be tragic and all that
It’s kinda sad to see how common we’re used to such things to happen
We need more beautiful and happy ending work (๑•ㅂ•)و✧
Ok so this might be the best isekai/royalty trope thingy I’ve read in my life ! Like there’s a good plot, lot of interesting twist, great couple, a touch of crack that makes me die for real XD, good art ! Like really I didn’t knew perfection was real lmao !! Plus unlike others, the misunderstandings and lack of communication aren’t taking 100 chapter and overall the story is rolling very smoothly as far as I’m concerned! Arin and Will are sunshine and must be protected change my mind !
(▰˘◡˘▰) and just Edward and Rina are so precious jddjdkk <3 anyway that’s it for my rambling, I can’t wait to read the next chapter !
true !. i like how this feels real like... THIS is what ll probably happen if i was a top scientist sent to my story XD