How can your fave be jihyun with how much he hurt chiwoo???? I love kyujin bc of how caring and patient he was with him. Loved the ending, kinda was scared chiwoo would end up with that toxic guy, i'm glad he said bye yo him
Personally I just felt really bad for Jihyun. I think he didn't get brought up in the best environment and he probably was clueless about loving someone aswell
Personally I just felt really bad for Jihyun. I think he didn't get brought up in the best environment and he probably was clueless about loving someone aswell Rynx ~ Yaoi-Sama!
Many people grow up in bad environments. Doesn't make you incapable of understanding that rape is a criminal act.
Many people grow up in bad environments. Doesn't make you incapable of understanding that rape is a criminal act. Jesss
True, I don't mean that just because he grew up in a bad environment is reasonable to justify his acts of rape. He is still at fault and still a criminal. I still like Jihyun as a character though, however. Just really a shame.
i want to see him bottom now ┗( T﹏T )┛