I used to read this manga at the very beginning then I dunno what happened but haven't read it in ages. I came back and binge read it. I'm at ch 32 now, and I just don't understand the break situation. Maybe it's because I've never been the one to study that hard, but how hard it is to text everyday? You don't even need to reply immediately, just reply whenever yoh have time. How hard it is to talk on call for 5-10 mins everyday? And what is supposed to change after the break? Won't the damage be too much. At the time when he should have said sorry i'll make more time for you, he's like let's take a break. I'm quite sure everything would be ok and it will be happy ending but dude.
And then there's his lil bro, being all like here he's studying all day and you are blowing up his phone complaining. Does he even know what blowing up one's phone is? They don't meet each other for weeks, don't talk for days, how is that blowing up. And also it's just very rich coming from since all we know till now is he and his brother had good relationship. But since the brother decided not to join soccer club in highschool, their relationship changed.
All in all this is just my opinion. If you don't agree please don't reply. Have a good day sorry for the long rant.