First they humiliated her without even properly knowing anything and now that she is only focusing on her fief and on none of those scums they still have a problem and r disturbing her
Now i'm a lil sad. I mean look how pure and in love is our poor cabel but when he will discover that it was a false confession he might get hurt o(TヘTo) くぅ
Now let's wait for years till we forget the story and then we will finally get the update of new season and then we would have to re-read the whole thing again ಥ‿ಥ
No hate for Aiji-kun i do guess he would have his reasons to act like that. What i don't like is that he probably already sensed fl's feelings and is still doing this
I really hope i dont ever become a friend who trusts the rumor more than my friend's word 'cause if i will become like like i'll really really hate that.
I don't really like the male childhood frnd. I mean like i know he has done nothing wrong and treats the fl as precious lil sister but for our fl it's too cruel and i know i'm being biased but i can't help it
Seriously that jisso girl, is she even ina position to hate ml
Ikr she's annoying.