Is there another site where i can read the updates faster? The new chapters update so slow here...

lol the raws will update on the 10th, 20th, and 30th. im guessing based on the previous patterns, though.
the scanlation usually uploads the translated chapter the very next day, so the pace is pretty decent. you can just wait for updates on the 11th, 21st, and 31st(or the 1st of every month if there is no 31st.)
so uhh. updates every 10 days. you can try mangadex but they're managed by the same group so
I like it but I feel like too much is going in at once? What do you guys think?
The sudden reveal about the whole Elizabeth lily backstory was... Way too soon ? I don't know what motivated it, but i could have done without it for many more chapters, or would have liked it better if we only saw fractions of it :/ now, i'm a lot less curious about the plot.
Same!! It came too soon!
Its too much for a beginning of a story but i kinda see where they are going