I’m not even gonna lie, but I think Yujin deserved better. I understand that “hyung” (I forgot his name) been through a lot, but because he kept himself in a box, he did a lot of damage to yujin. Although, that was the case, yujin kept loving him and did his best. I mean I just really hate ukes who sleep around like that, it’s my personal taste sorry. I’m glad that they found happiness though. I kinda wished there was a chapter where yujin left the country or something, which made “hyung” regret his decisions. Anyways that all. lol sorry for the little rant. (Edit) What yujin did to hyung was also completely wrong. He shouldn’t had abused him in any way, but as I said before it was partially hyung’s fault for making yujin act like that. Although I believe yujin shouldn’t had acted with his feeelings.
This homewrecker better shove her feelings up her ass. She’s so shameless and stupid. Don’t be catching feels for someone who’s already married. She disgusts me.
I just wanna day f*ck that dad. Those cute babies don’t need him. Can someone please out of generosity and love adopt them, and show them love? T_T