Cirrus have such a problematic personality. I wonder what kind of pain he got through that turned him into an awful and lunatic person like this. It's just sad how a teenager would have such kind of attitude and seems fine about it. Like seriously, what is happening to you? Will you be able to be normal?
And I didn't expect Skylar would gave such complex expression, though it's understandable how he react by Cirrus's insane act, but the expression somehow gave a deep pain in himself.
I hope they both will overcome their pain and be better soon lol I expect these two will have such a complicated road ahead. Can't wait what happens next!

wait what?!? it's end already? really? why i didn't feel anything at all? -_-
seriously, the after taste of an ending series should've been more than this. and there's too many things left undone though. is there any problem/issue that happened to the author? because it seems like this series was ended by force. or maybe there'll be season two? anybody know about the news, maybe????

damn. i got into second male lead syndrom. i wish his ex-bf is a jerk, so that i could hate him and let the ML with the boss, but no, he's a kind & good person, and he suffer so much because of what he did to ML. the ex-bf has been waiting for years in a most painful way, and i can somehow understand if he chose to move on. but no, we can clearly see that he truly love ML, not because the ML got a new guy (the boss), though it helps him realized what he truly felt and what he did wrong, but he just loves him dearly, the tears in his sleep explains it all.
gosh, this is sooo frustrating. i hope everyone will be happy in this story though, cause i know every character are a good person and deserves happiness.
i know the ML & the boss will be endgame. but i want the ex-bf will be able to move on and have a happy life. he's been suffering too, and it's not easy to lose your loved ones for 5 years without having someone to rely on or else i believe he'll gone crazy. i know the ML is hurting as well, but can we also look closely and put our shoes in ex-bf's perspective? they both have been through the worst.
why this chapter is so short and why the text bubbles is sooooo little. i want more but duh, the art is WORTH THE WAIT. excited for next chapter