oh, which chapter is it when yahwi push jooin away because he care about his appearance and reputation infront of others? i don't really remember bc i don't want to re-read and remember how i hate yahwi so much. but duh, what's wrong with this chapter?!?! yahwi suddenly doesn't care what people thinking and trying to seduce jooin in public? lol what a hypocrite. i just can't get myself to like yahwi after all. i'm sorry for all yahwi's stan, but i'm on a verge to see my baby CAIN gets hurt later, bc i know jooin and yahwi is the endgame
i just came to hate yahwi more and more without realizing. oh my baby poor cain :"""")

maetel is such a trash to rape louis and is a loser to cause such a misunderstanding. louis wouldn't cry if he knew who's that fucking rabbit is, louis wouldn't get anxious for searching the father of his baby if maetel brought up the drunk sex incident IN THE FIRST PLACE, instead he's playing quite ALL ALONG and treat louis as he feels he's a plaything by maetel. FUCK I HATE RAPIST SO MUCH, and sorry to say, but maetel is one of them. there's many ways to build development in a character, but EW rapist is lowest than trash.
it feels like there's something missing when there's no memes in the last panel