I Read March 2, 2025 9:51 pm

I would literally have a heart attack right then and there if I was Lyle

I Read February 10, 2025 5:07 am

Yo the beatingggg the uke will receive will be tantalizing

I Read January 14, 2025 4:52 am

I'm not even gonna lie when I am saying that this is the best bl I've ever read and the greenest flag I've seen

I Read January 6, 2025 2:45 am

He is getting another mop up his ahh

I Read December 7, 2024 4:16 am

Thank you for saving me I was so thirstyyyy

I Read November 23, 2024 6:02 am

No matter how many times I see it I get shocked everytime

I Read October 20, 2024 12:46 am

Sorry but chapter 1 made me think of that one meme.

My kok? where is my kok

I Read October 10, 2024 7:45 pm

It's so funny that we all read it when we were younger

    Bea December 30, 2024 1:09 am

    Bahahahhaha we were all 13

    I Read December 30, 2024 2:50 am
    Bahahahhaha we were all 13 Bea

I Read October 9, 2024 11:06 pm

Not them colonizing the lake Chile..

I Read October 9, 2024 11:19 pm

I'm i the only one that can't get over Oscar's ending?
I don't think it is fair for him to end up the way he did. Sure most readers would say that he deserved to end up a commoner for not reciprocating Arias feelings, but I honestly think that he is the most realistic character as he would have been what most of us would have done.

And I think it is sad that the author decided to punish him for not being strong enough to help her. Like bruh not even the crown prince could in his first life, the only reason he could in this life was thanks to Aria so what's the difference.

He was also forced to marry someone he doesn't love, and even betrayed his own blood, and played a huge part in getting proper evidence on other astrocrats for a girl he cared for, and he doesn't even get an happy ending. Every other character close to the main character got their happy ending even Isis, so why is it diffrent for him?

I just can't stop thinking about how foul the story treated him for being weak. And I also hate how he was litterally getting used by the main character but gets discarded as soon as he doesn't accept her feelings? This is prime second male lead syndrome. Not even that bro was sent away from the capital far away from everything he knew, Isolated from the world, is absolutely foul. #justice for my boy Oscar.

    CK_14389 October 16, 2024 6:25 pm


    I understand your contempt on how Oscar was treated and the visceral feeling towards how Oscar was treated in the story; however, from my prospective, I think the author purposefully had Oscar's story play out that way because the intention was that due to Oscar not taking action and feeling hopeless due to his own character flaw and weak disposition that it led him down the path in becoming a commoner.

    My interpretation was that the author wanted to show how Oscar's character was a reflection or observation in how in real life, people who could have the power to take initiative in making a decision and speak up but sadly dont due to them second guessing or due to other circumstances--dont.

    We can see this since he was passively supporting Aria by doing nothing except for giving in to his sisters plans. Thus, becoming collateral damage after his sister was beheaded due to his negligence which contributes to the story later after he realized he himself did not change but Aria did. That is only after he realized what he had lost and how he was the one who didn't act to stop his sister.

    This showing how his character had grown at the last moments he was mentioned in the story.

    I agree Oscar was quite relatable and realistic as well and how flawed he was since he didnt mean harm still ended up becoming the way he did. This I thought contributed to how well his character was written and his purpose to the plot and story, overall.

    I like to believe Oscar realized his mistake but learned from it and is living a happy life as a commoner and found someone he loves.

    [Sorry for this long comment. Hopefully my opinion made sense. Just my thoughts after finishing this story but I understand why you feel the way you do about wanting justice for Oscar.
    (=・ω・=) ]

    I Read October 16, 2024 10:37 pm
    [SPOILER WARNING FOR PEOPLE WHO HAVENT READ THE STORY.]I understand your contempt on how Oscar was treated and the visceral feeling towards how Oscar was treated in the story; however, from my prospective, I th... CK_14389

    Maybe it's because I didn't read the novel but the manhwa made him look like he was just there to be discarded, which is why I felt the way I did. But your comment cleared some of the questions I had thx. :)

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