The saddest part is that stories like the one with Na Heaso and Mincheol are so common between adults, and it s really sickening just how he thinks that he has the right to harm her and that he doesn't have to work for her love or forgiveness that he all took for granted.

Rose rose rose created a topic of Jijii No Koi

Incheon for this I'll write down your name on my will

Rose rose rose created a topic of Our Sunny Days

I honestly did not realize that I was crying by the end of this chapter, the tears they just fell uninvited:")

Rose rose rose created a topic of Just Twilight

Glad this manhwa is censored cuz the last thing I'd want to see is nah seungwoon fapping it s so gross to even show it implicitly

Rose rose rose created a topic of The Selfish Romance

You bitch! You ruined everything about this chapter

Rose rose rose created a topic of The Selfish Romance

Her staring at the phone waiting for his reply brought up memories I thought I forgot.... it sucks when you re just there making up excuses why they left u on read

Rose rose rose created a topic of Our Sunny Days

Ugggghhh that was so sweet :")
May all our hands become warmer this year

I m happy but i m also afraid that he is just an insane guy who is there for the thrill of being in a challenging relationship. Please do not hurt my precious haesoo.

Wow , that was hot! Idc about the other shitty stuff added to the chap , cuz damn! That took my breath away

Rose rose rose created a topic of December

When he is behaving like this .... he is so ugly I can't give us back sweet shin