Mayonaise_Chicken November 11, 2023 8:54 pm

Woah... Was not expecting this. Went in thinking this is going to be a cute little age difference thing but DAMNN!!! Naaahh that's way different than the ones I've read... He fell for him when he was a KID!!! NOT WHEN HE WAS OLDER!!! TF? when was this made the 1800???? When they used to marry 14 year olds off??? And of course as his friend I would be concerned, I don't even blame the friend for questioning him for liking a minor... A specific minor who happens to idolize him. The kid was adorable, it's a good thing no grooming kinda didn't happen... Like he was their but when his parents died he pushed himself away from the kid but still... Doesn't make it better. Parents were chill when he was honest about his feelins for the kid, where did they grow up? They must have been used to this, yes they were a bit shocked but not the right kind of shocked I am not surprised the kids parents are okay with him and the older dude because usually some parents are okay with younger people falling for older people and randomly confessing their love for older handsome people... But they are usually never ever okay with older people falling for younger people (Lol brings me back to the time when I was 16 and fell for gong yoo and wanted to marry him) 9 years, Still do tho, hehhehebe.. Kay didn't expect to be going off like that on this... But you do you Japan whatever floats your boat I guess .. umm yeah

Mayonaise_Chicken November 8, 2023 7:41 pm

Ohmyyyygggooosssshhhhh MY HEARTTTT!!!! This is such a wholesome, so freaking heartfelt!!! I am melting on my bed at the moment of all this fluffy shit happening, I was not expecting it to be like this!! ALSO they SERVING MUSCLES, they SERVING LOOKS!!! What does this not have... It doesn't even need weird kinky shit, or porn plots like other bls usually overly and excessively add for no reason.the plot is just BEAUTIFUL!!!! I AM DEAD!!! and the baby!! Freaking adorable

Mayonaise_Chicken November 7, 2023 5:01 am

How did I manage to finish sh this? Half the time I was confused but still invested... I pulled through but damn this is some physcho shit right here!!! But I guess it's a decent story????

Mayonaise_Chicken November 6, 2023 8:53 pm

Okay I like it but I am still confused with the names? Do they have names because I have been identifying the first Own whom met with the main guy first, Owen. Meanwhile the second Owen whom.he did it with first in the bathroom Aspere-something and the last I met recently looks different so he is easy to make out. So yeah that's confusing, do they have names? Also whose the one getting pregnant? Gosh I have so much question, it's been so interesting so far but I am a dumb b*tch what can I say

    Ruby-Kun November 7, 2023 7:18 am

    The one who's pregnant is asperier the OG Owen

    Ruby-Kun November 7, 2023 7:19 am

    They're all Owens tbh but Only OG Owen is called asperier i think technically the other owens are duplicates

    Hyung-nim02 November 7, 2023 9:45 am
    They're all Owens tbh but Only OG Owen is called asperier i think technically the other owens are duplicates Ruby-Kun

    they're real and not duplicates but from a space time shit

    Mangrove November 7, 2023 12:16 pm

    They can't have different name because despite having different bodies they're same individual

    Mayonaise_Chicken November 7, 2023 6:34 pm
    The one who's pregnant is asperier the OG Owen Ruby-Kun

    Ooohhh that's an interesting turn of events

    Mayonaise_Chicken November 7, 2023 6:36 pm
    They can't have different name because despite having different bodies they're same individual Mangrove

    Ok makes sense, I think I was drunk reading this but still it's interesting

    Ruby-Kun November 8, 2023 5:05 pm
    They can't have different name because despite having different bodies they're same individual Mangrove

    Ah this is what i meant by duplicates sorry for the confusion

Mayonaise_Chicken November 5, 2023 8:02 pm

This is just wrong how could they leave us hanging like that!! Even the side couple(they definitely are) are freaking gorgeous

Mayonaise_Chicken November 5, 2023 4:25 am

I am not so into this side story... I liked the main story but this is just getting weird now. I usually like toxic messes of stories but this is just making me feel meh

    SkylaFaraway November 5, 2023 12:54 pm

    Bestie the exits at the top corner

    Mayonaise_Chicken November 5, 2023 7:27 pm
    Bestie the exits at the top corner SkylaFaraway

    Girl I know but I am Just finishing it for the sake of finishing it

    SkylaFaraway November 6, 2023 6:51 am
    Girl I know but I am Just finishing it for the sake of finishing it Mayonaise_Chicken

    Ngl i feel u I've done that many times myself mama ain't raised no quitter

    Mayonaise_Chicken November 6, 2023 7:32 am
    Ngl i feel u I've done that many times myself mama ain't raised no quitter SkylaFaraway

    That's right!!!! I always seem to be doing it all the time, guess I am not the only one

Mayonaise_Chicken November 4, 2023 8:53 pm

Nah but why is he handsome???? WHAT is THE REASON!!! WHATS THE FUCKING REASON!!!!!!!! Like I usually hate the toxic second male leads but love the toxic first male leads not in this situation tho... But damn you had to make him cute??? You just couldn't help yourself it's such a waste of a PURFECT face.... Is he the ex? I am throwing hands, mans giving OPPAR man is also giving AHJUuiceY

Here I was insulting the guy whom I never saw because he broke BooBoos heart.... Not knowing his face... Saw the main guys trophy's and was like yeah... the ex got nothing on him, the ex is probably a lazy bum who works a shitty job... And then I see mister blonde booty over here expensive watch, suit and a secretary.... NAHHHHH! Should I be happy that I am being served visuals??? Or should I be sad this mans definitely gonna come between booboo and main guy? Causing conflict that will BREAK BOTH MY BABIES? (Don't even ask me their names at this point... Can't keep up with over 200 names in my list of bls I have read)


Mayonaise_Chicken October 30, 2023 8:59 am

Is this with on or off??? Or is it two different things?

Mayonaise_Chicken October 28, 2023 8:08 pm

Interesting...... Uhmmm so what happened exactly? my brain is still trying to process this new... Inform...ation. yeah...

Mayonaise_Chicken October 10, 2023 7:56 pm

My eyes hurt.... WHATS GOING ONNNN!!! this is some weird new kinky shit

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