The gap in my heart has been filled... As soon as he said "My darling Ryuuse" I couldn't help but smile and cr y with them... I have been waiting for this for months and right now... Am so satisfied who would've known that this short Bl would be so wholesome!!! They are so cute, and the art style literally 10/10 slayed I am dead! Great story EVERYTHING

This guy is a crazy good manipulator/gaslighter he even managed to "princess carry/kidnap him away to have sex... In a nice way??? How can SOMEONE KIDNAP SOMEONE NICELY TO HAVE SEX... I have to say... He is good. He managed to get a straight guy who I pretty sure is only attached to his work!! He is good at what he does and it's ridiculous

Gosh my heart was beating so hard for my baby Dan this chapter.. oh my gosh how I thought he would start jumping at Dan and beating him up because Jaekyung is like that, I am actually shocked he didn't hit Dan??? Like he is throwing all types of red! Nevertheless I could finally breath when he didn't do anything and Jae got what he deserved FUCKING foot broken and bleeding, Now you just need a wheelchair and ya need to start regretting and apologizimg to Dan for.what you did then beg for forgiveness mothrrfukaaa!! Then I will relax.. look at me dreaming. But Dan listen here I am tired of continuously taking your side you gotta do something cause I hate bitches... I honestly hate them... And if your gonna be one... Come on!!!! Do something... I stood with you because your like adorable and have a sad ass life and you deserve the best this world offers but now it's time to stop acting like those olden days girl characters written back then who are useless and depend on people for the he most dumbest useless shit ever I will lose it!! Ugh enough with the ranting when is Jae gonna be actually likeable? Other than his face damn now I know why the artist drew this way
Wow this is actually so good.... And ITS AN ACTUAL STORY!!!!! GIMMMEEE MOREEEE