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Multiple oneshots(2) 2017-12-16 0
list(1) 2015-11-28 0
list(1) 2016-08-06 0
manly uke(1) 2017-12-16 0

HoshiSecret's topics ( All 1269 )

HoshiSecret April 5, 2018 1:33 am

wow these two, they love jumping each other when they are asleep. I guess they think sexy time is a perfect way to wake up a lover.

HoshiSecret April 5, 2018 1:26 am

very fast pace, but cute. I also have a hard time figure out which of our couple is the main character because the manga is 90% of them together. But i think it's our uke. He seems reluctant, but at the same time he doesn't shoot him down fully.

HoshiSecret's questions ( All 10 )

HoshiSecret April 5, 2018 1:15 am

Is there a way to block someone on this site. Ya know so they don't see you and you don't see them? Cause I have run into someone whom seems to be a bit of a troll for anyone who reads yaoi and won't leave me alone.

    Anonymous April 5, 2018 1:24 am

    You cant. Ignore it, someday it will get bored.
    And dont reply it back.

    fucking stfu April 5, 2018 1:51 am

    Unfortunately, there is no block option. It would be great though tbh. I don't really want to see rape justifiers either.

    Apollo April 5, 2018 1:55 am

    Aw I’m sorry to hear this
    Just ignore them they’d get bored of teasing you soon.

    chizaman April 5, 2018 2:47 am

    I wish.

HoshiSecret March 17, 2018 3:25 pm

mangas, manwha, webtoons etc whatever you want to call it, has anyone else noticed some of them just up and disappear? I was looking at my topics and comments when I noticed that they weren't in order. I looked though them all to notice that some were missing! so I looked for the items I spoke about to find those were not here. Most noteable killing stalking. Now I can see why that would be taken down, but there were many. some from so long ago I can't even remember the names. Has anyone else noticed this? Or am I going insane?

HoshiSecret's message board ( All 0 )

Meow! I'm actually a potted plant! Sorry, I was accused once of being a potted plant that learned how to type. :P I am me, I am insane and have lots of weird experiences and a habit of randomly googling everything. I hope you enjoy my view on some things. If you don't, I question why you put effort in putting me down. Well onward to read!

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