saw ch.53 had another rape warning and i said i'm out. sick and tireddd of this bullshit. it's not like i can't read a yaoi (or any work of fiction) that has them but it gets to a point where i find it unnecessary and i'm just not a fan of the second season anyway, i found it to be dragging. like, please focus on the mystery some more ? it's focused on for a few chapters and then it's smut and a flashback and (what i found to be) uninteresting conversation. it didn't feel cohesive so it didn't keep my attention.
so... not finishing it ! yolo !

did sukyun really look at us to say he's the one with separation anxiety in special 2 ??
and i hope yoonseol's sister meets someone nice .. but seeing her slap her ex was SO satisfying.
this is my second read through and ahhh just as good at the first ! jun's story did feel incomplete though .. he gives wooin the album as a way of letting his feelings go but then what ? who was the blond guy and where are they going ? it seemed set up for side stories or a spin off.

his nails... i could hardly focus on anything but his llewellyn's the entire time ughhh and it's never explained why they're so dark. even when he was young they looked like that and now that he's been out of Lute, they haven't gotten better. if anything, they got darker as the series progressed and i wish i knew why. + they were kissing/talking close to each other w onion breath. full body cringing, i'm never getting over it </3
decent story overall. i enjoyed the plot especially because it's unusual and unique, i haven't read anything quite like it. obsessive characters are my faaaaavorite. just adds flavor (not onion flavor...). my favorite quote was "all i want is for him to O:) again..." SO SWEET. i liked llewellyn's character a lot. i'm glad they got their happy ending. would i reread this ? probably not ! because the nails pissed me tf off.

wait, where is it mentioned that he produces no odor ? i only saw that shavonne noticed llewellyn's clothes don't smell like onion even though he peels them all day. lol i was talking about the onion breath mostly when they were still in Lute together since i doubt hygiene wasn't a top priority there oral care has come a long way since the inspired time period

This is pretty valid, the nail part… in the novel they break his fingers and one of his foot jus for biting the warden so I’m assuming his nails got ripped off or damaged really often so they just became that way mostly it symbolizes how much he’s been tortured along w his scars and about the hygiene part… I also wish it was kinda explained more I never saw in the novel how lewellyn ate or used the bathroom so in reality it’s story logic lmao so in my mind there is no such thing as bad breathe or hygiene cause it doesn’t seem to exist

i am struggling to figure out how the author will fix their relationship. suha is definitely going to be angry and jiwoon probably (definitely) won't take it well if suha tries to end the relationship. then we have the red head who is going to try and interfere and make it worse,, we're already almost 80 chapters in so i doubt there is going to be much more of the series. i'm worried suha and jiwoon are going to reach their breaking points soon but i'll hope for the best regardless ;(

this author always making the ukes attempt, they did this in royal servant too :( they are so good at making scenes emotional though; i felt really depressed reading this, like i was in the characters shoes. this will forever be on of my fave authors for that (and their light coloring style <3 ) ngl i already can't wait for the next series even though this one isnt done yet
HIS PIERCINGGGSSSSSS i finally see a character with a nape piercing + belly/nipple combo and then poof it's gone ? you think it's funny to play with my heart ? to betray me ? just stab me in the gut and twist the knife, it'll hurt less.