saw ch.53 had another rape warning and i said i'm out. sick and tireddd of this bullshit. it's not like i can't read a yaoi (or any work of fiction) that has them but it gets to a point where i find it unnecessary and i'm just not a fan of the second season anyway, i found it to be dragging. like, please focus on the mystery some more ? it's focused on for a few chapters and then it's smut and a flashback and (what i found to be) uninteresting conversation. it didn't feel cohesive so it didn't keep my attention.
so... not finishing it ! yolo !
HIS PIERCINGGGSSSSSS i finally see a character with a nape piercing + belly/nipple combo and then poof it's gone ? you think it's funny to play with my heart ? to betray me ? just stab me in the gut and twist the knife, it'll hurt less.