chat i what was that BL manhwa where an S type guide (guideverse) i think he was disabled, he lost his leg, it was at the start of the ch. and he died in battle.) and reincarnated but his soul transferred to another cadet’s body? by the time he reincarnated it had been a couple of years and his esper has changed
( like how jayce got transported into a alt universe by the hexcore n had to fight for his life) type of change( like how that man got 2x hotter when their fell apart) type change ok bye

chat wat is the name of that manhwa where the gurl has pink hair n is stuck in a romance story but somehow something went up wrong n the genre became like about zombies? and everytime she dies she goes back again to her bedroom or classroom and her goal is to end the loop of her dying and coming back again and end the story or something
fam does anyone of yall know another title for: the dead lover returns as a tyrant?? is there any eng translation yet??
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