Was rereading from the start so I could be extra prepared for the climax and is Penelope related to the goddess??? There's a lot of shit in there that ties her to the religious imagery present. From the bird that's a "messenger of the gods" having her hair color, to the images in the mirror relic being of her real life. Is Yvonne so focused on entering her life through the male leads because it's some way of awakening her??
Like so many things line up. She's even called a goddess by that one dude that turns into an idiot after being shot by her crossbow. Has this just been the most in your face plotlines but just so out there we wouldn't predict it any earlier?!
Cause I am hooked and I love it, even if I'm super off base and they led me on a wild goose chase lmaoo

Crummy created a topic of 'I AM MOM'

Just learned that some of the chapters were messed up during exporting so there's weird white boxes. Working on fixing those rn. (╯︵╰,)
Already fixed ch 15. Working on fixing 16 rn.

If there are any other chapters with that problem in the future or any that I have missed feel free to let me know!